Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF205 (Mullery) Environmental Justice Act established implementing policies, and creating a task force and advisory council
HF2746 (Lesch) Plastic bag recycling provided, civil penalties provided, and rulemaking authorized
HF3643 (Poppe) Individual sewage treatment system professional licensing requirements modified
HF3742 (Poppe) Subsurface sewage treatment system training programs offered by private sponsors accreditation required
HF3541 (Marquart) Bridge and culvert construction and maintenance cost apportionment modified
HF3838 (Berns) Invasive species provisions modified and civil penalties provided
HF3890 (Finstad) Watonwan County Soil and Water Conservation District Board procedures provided for filling vacant supervisor positions
HF3433 (Dill) Lake Vermillion State Park established
HF3685 (Moe) Toxic chemical release reporting requirements modified
HF3280 (Dill) Public land expedited exchanges provided
Division Reports:
HF3328 (Anzelc) Minnesota forests for the future program created
HF3547 (Dill) Game and fish fund report requirements modified, pheasant habitat improvement account disposition modified, wild turkey management account modified, hunting and fishing licensing and taking provisions modified, and rulemaking authorized
HF3032 (Dill) Critical habitat private sector matching account modified; outdoor recreation system composition extended to include aquatic management areas; state parks, forests, and recreation areas modified; and state land conveyances and authorized
HF3280 (Dill) Public land expedited exchanges provided
HF3550 (Hansen) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia control provided, and rulemaking authorized
HF3545 (Atkins) Gas purchase and sale reporting required, air conditioner leakage rates in motor vehicles disclosure required, refrigerants required in mobile air conditioners, refrigerant sale prohibited, and report required
HF2998 (Koenen) Free lifetime state park permits authorized for totally and permanently disabled veterans
HF3292 (Dittrich) School trust fund lands management provided, school trust fund land return improvements provided, Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee mission redefined, and report provided
HF3293 (Clark) Pollution Control Agency required to analyze cumulative pollution effects in an area prior to issuing a permit
HF2777 (Gardner) Solid waste management tax revenue disposition modified
HF3540 (Gardner) Solid waste recovery and recycling standards provided, greenhouse gas offset project eligibility established, exemptions provided, studies and ordinances required, goals set, charges regulated, task force established and money appropriated
HF3364 (Moe) Minnesota Public Facilities Authority wastewater infrastructure funding provided, government building debt guarantee provided, credit enhanced bond program provided, and money appropriated
HF3429 (Hansen) Administrative penalty orders provided, civil penalties provided, implementation plan required, and rulemaking exemption provided
ADDED HF3195 (Knuth) Cap and trade program for greenhouse gas emissions
HF2737 (Anzelc) Wetland bank credit provided under certain state-held conservation easements
HF3238 (Gardner) Sustainable water use provided; conservation rate structures, drinking water emergency ordinance, and information sharing required, Pollution Control Agency ombudsman created, fees increased, and conservation pricing required
HF3437 (Moe) Star lake or river designation process provided, Star Lake Board created as nonprofit corporation, star lake or river signs allowed on highways, and money appropriated
HF3068 (Dill) Snowmobile registration and sticker expiration date provided, temporary permit effective period extended for snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, and watercraft, and temporary permit information requirements modified
HF3281 (Dill) Snowmobile safety certificate age requirement exemption modified
HF3284 (Dill) Voyageurs National Park; State employees prohibited from enforcing federal laws in navigable waters
HF3366 (Eken) Petrofund program modified
(More Bills May Be Added)
HF3195 (Knuth) Greenhouse gas emissions cap and trade program principles established, climate trust fund established and its goals and uses specified, studies required, and money appropriated
(Informational hearing on the bill only, testimony only, there will be no votes or other action taken)