Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF2987 (Juhnke) Biodiesel definition modified, minimum content increased, tiered content goal created, and notice, proposal, and recommendations to the legislature required, and money appropriated.
HF3981 (Juhnke) Veterans affairs, military affairs, and the Board of Animal Health funding provided, agriculture appropriations reduced, veteran contribution plate authorized for motorcycles, grant limit and sunset date removed, and money appropriated.
HF3902 (Juhnke) Agriculture appropriation changed. (Agriculture, Rural Economies, & Veterans Affairs Omnibus Bill)
Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division
HF4027 (Sailer) Waste pesticide collection program modified. (pending re-referral)
HF2987 (Juhnke) Biodiesel definition modified, minimum content increased, tiered content goal created, and notice, proposal, and recommendations to the legislature required, and money appropriated. (pending re-referral)
HF2942 (Juhnke) Livestock investment grant program created and money appropriated.
HF2631 (Urdahl) Dairy investment matching grants provided; money appropriated.
HF4075 (Olin) Cattle herd requirements within certain areas provided, Board of Animal Health funding provided for the buyout of cattle herds in certain areas, and money appropriated.
Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division
HF3762 (Murphy) Veterans Health Care Advisory Council created.
HF3763 (Juhnke) Veterans Homes Board of Directors functions transferred to commissioner of veterans affairs.
HF3617 (Koenen) Wound prevention and care formulary demonstration project established for state veteran homes and reports required.
HF3749 (Juhnke) State veterans cemeteries authorized and regulated.
HF3507 (Otremba) Disaster area waiver of fees and expedited food handler plan review authorized, embargo and condemnation provisions changed, food sanitary and fee provisions changed, terms defined, and egg sales and handling regulated.
HF3552 (Juhnke) NextGen Energy Board member added, sunset date removed, and appropriation modified.
HF3362 (Juhnke) Pesticide and fertilizer regulating administrative actions authorized
HF3902 (Juhnke) Agriculture appropriation changed.
Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division
Agency Budget Proposals: Board of Animal Health
HF3877 (Haws) Minnesota GI Bill per semester and annual grant amount increased for veterans.
HF3557 (Koenen) Veterans paramedic apprenticeship program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3953 (Kalin) Establishes a statewide veteran-to-veteran peer counseling pilot program; appropriating money;proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 197.
Agriculture, Rural Economies and Veterans Affairs Finance Division
Wheat growers presentation
Agency budget proposals: Department of Veterans Affairs (including Veterans Homes), Department of Agriculture and Board of Animal Health