Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Early Childhood Learning Finance Division report
HF2475 (Greiling) K-12 Education Finance Supplemental Budget Bill
HF3722 (Rukavina) Higher Education and Workforce Development Supplemental Budget Bill
Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division
A preview of the governor's supplemental budget on Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness
Steve Nelson, Department of Human Services
Commissioner Alice Seagren, Department of Education
Tricia Grimes, Office of Higher Education
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Richard Pfutzenreuter, University of Minnesota
Department of Employment and Economic Development
Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division
Partnership to the Future: P-16 Presentation
P-16 Partnership accomplishments since 2007 and review of 2008 initiatives.
HF2625 (Slocum) P-16 statewide education partnerships required to include legislators. (informational only)
HF2783 (Swails) P-20 education partnership established.
HF3816 (Mariani) Education agencies allowed to share educational data in order to improve school instruction. (informational only)
HF2624 (Urdahl) Teacher quality improvement task force established for effectively integrating secondary and postsecondary academic and career education.
Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division
Today is Library Day.
Elaine Keefe, Minnesota Library Association
Mark Ranum, Director, Plum Creek Regional Library
Melanie Huggins, Director, St. Paul Public Library
Ann Walker Smalley, Director, Metronet
Bill DeJohn, Director, Minitex
Leslie Yoder, school library media specialist, St. Paul Public Schools
Peg Werner, Director, Viking Library System
Education Finance and Economic Competitiveness Finance Division