Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF3286 (Madore) Adults with disabilities revenue modified
HF3130 (Murphy, E) Child Care Advisory Task Force established, and report required
HF3376 (Walker) Minnesota Family Investment Program work participation amended, child care assistance provisions changed, and technical changes made
Presentation by Department of Human Services on governor's supplemental budget and budget forecast
HF3290 (Peterson, S) School readiness assessments and kindergarten transition strategies provided, and money appropriated.
HF3246 (Winkler) Adult basic education aid modified
HF2984 (Slawik) School-age care program modified
HF2185 (Lanning) Healthy child development within communities grant program established, and money appropriated
HF2983 (Peterson, S) Office of Early Learning established
HF2555 (Slawik) Child care assistance provider reimbursement rates increased, and money appropriated.
HF2637 (Slawik) Child care absent day requirements effective date modified
HF2689 (Slawik) Child care assistance basic sliding fee waiting list reduction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3197 (Fritz) Child care licensure requirement modified
HF2976 (Murphy, E.) Child care assistance reimbursement rates modified
Presentations by the Department of Human Services on: Child care services grants; Child Growth and Development Trainings for Minnesota's Child Care Providers report; Estimated Costs for Conducting Annual License Reviews in Family Child Care Programs report; and School Readiness Connections program
Presentation by the Department of Human Services and two grantees on the family, friend and neighbor grants
Presentation by the Department of Human Services on the Legal Non-Licensed Child Care Provider Home Visiting Report
HF2920 (Murphy, E) A bill for an act relating to early childhood education; modifying developmental screening aid