Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Testimony from PCA (9-10 a.m.) concerning TMDL's
Testimony from DNR (10 a.m.- noon) concerning the recent Legislative Auditor's Report: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the 2007 North American Wildlife Enforcement Officers Association´s Conference
Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division
HF4021 (Wagenius) Environment & Natural Resources Supplemental Budget Bill
HF3280 (Dill) Public land expedited exchanges provided.
HF3685 (Moe) Toxic chemical release reporting requirements modified.
HF3292 (Dittrich) School trust fund lands management provided, school trust fund land return improvements
provided, Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee mission redefined, and report provided.
HF863 (Hortman) California vehicle emissions standards adopted, and updates provided to comply with the
federal Clean Air Act.
HF3625 (Hansen) Natural resources administrative sites sales proceed disposition provided, and money
HF3550 (Hansen) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia control provided, and rulemaking authorized.
HF3429 (Hansen) Administrative penalty orders provided, civil penalties provided, implementation plan
required, and rulemaking exemption provided.
HF3437 (Moe) Star lake or river designation process provided, Star Lake Board created as nonprofit corporation,
star lake or river signs allowed on highways, and money appropriated.
HF2998 (Koenen) Free lifetime state park permits authorized for totally and permanently disabled veterans.
HF2694 (Doty) Little Falls; Pine Grove Zoo funding provided.
HF3293 (Clark) Pollution Control Agency required to analyze cumulative pollution effects in an area prior to issuing a permit.
HF4108 (Rukavina) Eveleth; Iron Range off-highway vehicle recreation area management plan requirements modified, funding provided for recreational underpass, and money appropriated. (Informational Only)
HF3032 (Dill) Critical habitat private sector matching account and outdoor recreation system modified; state
parks, forests, and recreation areas modified; state land sales and conveyances provided; and 30-year leases authorized for wind energy projects.
HF3547 (Dill) Game and fish fund report requirements modified, pheasant
habitat improvement account disposition modified, wild turkey management account modified, hunting and fishing licensing and taking provisions modified, and rulemaking authorized.
Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division
HF3997 (Bunn) Land disposal facilities siting prohibited in certain areas. (Informational Only)
HF863 (Hortman) California vehicle emissions standards adopted, and updates provided to comply with the federal Clean Air Act.
HF3437 (Moe) Star lake or river designation process provided, Star Lake Board created as nonprofit corporation, star lake or river signs allowed on highways, and money appropriated.
HF3238 (Gardner) Sustainable water use provided; conservation rate
structures, emergency management plan, contaminated well disclosure, and information sharing required, and ombudsman created, fees increased, and advisory committee expiration date extended.
HF3898 (Dill) Timber sales provisions modified and refund provided.
HF3068 (Dill) Snowmobile registration and sticker expiration date provided, temporary permit effective period extended for snowmobiles, off-highway motorcycles, all-terrain vehicles, and watercraft, and temporary permit information requirements modified.
HF3547 (Dill) Omnibus game and fish bill.
HF3273 (Eken) Natural resources; monument designation authority, state park names, and park permit
requirements modified; finance report requirements eliminated; and technical corrections provided.
HF2536 (Lanning), HF3364 (Moe), HF3293 (Clark) and HF3328 (Anzelc) have been removed
Environment and Natural Resources Finance Division
HF3292 (Dittrich) School trust fund lands management provided, school trust fund land return improvements provided, Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee mission redefined, and report provided.
HF3625 (Hansen) Natural resources administrative sites sales proceeds disposition provided, and money appropriated.
HF3550 (Hansen) Viral hemorrhagic septicemia control provided, and rulemaking authorized.
HF3429 (Hansen) Administrative penalty orders provided, civil penalties provided, implementation plan required, and rulemaking exemption provided.
HF3627 (Dill) Vermilion Highlands Wildlife Management Area shooting sports facilities funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3032 (Dill) Critical habitat private sector matching account and outdoor recreation system modified; state parks, forests, and recreation areas modified; state land sales and conveyances provided; and 30-year leases authorized for wind energy projects.
HF2998 (Koenen) Free lifetime state park permits authorized for totally and permanently disabled veterans.
HF2777 (Gardner) Solid waste management tax revenue disposition modified.
HF3540 (Gardner) Waste Management Act modified, principles established, construction and demolition waste recycling required, standards set, greenhouse gas offset project eligibility established, decline of phone directory allowed, and ordinance required.
HF2527 (Moe), HF3997 (Bunn), HF3898 (Dill) and HF3273 (Eken) have been removed.