Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF609 (Loeffler) Food stamp requirements modified. (For re-referral only)
HF1725 (Moe) Leech Lake youth treatment center proposal grant provided, and money appropriated. (For re-referral only)
HF173 (Erickson) Nursing facilities payment rates in specified counties increased to the geographic group III median rate. (For re-referral only)
HF192 (Urdahl) Meeker County nursing facilities placed in geographic group II. (For re-referral only)
HF221 (Urdahl) Meeker County day training and habilitation provider rate reimbursement increased, and proposal required to address the disparity between providers across the state. (For re-referral only)
HF663 (Urdahl) Nursing facility payment rates increased to the 60th percentile rate. (For re-referral only)
HF915 (Ruth) Steele County nursing facilities payment rates increased to the geographic group III median rate. (For re-referral only)
HF970 (Demmer) Dodge and other specified counties nursing facilities payment rates increased to the Olmsted County median rate. (For re-referral only)
HF1075 (Anzelc) Koochiching County nursing facility payment rates increased, and money appropriated. (For re-referral only)
HF1580 (Dettmer) Adult foster care and family adult day services license requirements modified. (For re-referral only)
HF2254 (Ruth) Waseca County nursing facility payment rates modified for services to ventilator-dependent persons. (For re-referral only)
HF794 (Otremba) modifying medical assistance coverage to include consultations with psychologists; increasing the medical assistance reimbursement rate for critical access mental health services (division report)
HF913 (Thissen) waiving the moratorium regarding beds and expending group residential housing supplemental rates (division report)
HF1590 (Brynaert) authorizing a Regional Children's Mental Health Initiative pilot project; developing an enhanced regional children's mental health service system (division report)
SF26 (Thao) Medical practices board advisory councils expiration dates elimination (subcommittee report)
HF499 (Magnus) Chemical use assessments modified, and duties imposed on the commissioner of Human Services related to chemical health.
HF594 (Otremba) Medical assistance nonemergency medical transportation competitive bidding modified, level of need criteria specified, and reimbursement rate increased.
HF1984 (Huntley) Pharmacies authorized to accept return of unused drugs and medical devices from county jails and juvenile correctional facilities.
HF1719 (Huntley) Medical assistance eligibility treatment of assets modified.
HF683 (Huntley) Affordable health care right for every resident established, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF 479 (Walker) Universal health care system provided, preventive care and early intervention focus required, cost reductions and comprehensive benefits provided, and plan implementation by 2010 required.
HF1656 (Thissen) Jewelry products containing lead manufacture and sale regulated.
HF2177 (Bunn) has been removed from the agenda
HF2100 (Clark) Bisphenol-A and phthalates prohibited in products for young children.
HF917 (Clark) Lice and scabies treatment products that contain the pesticide Lindane prohibited.
HF399 (Rukavina) Long-Term Care Patient Access to Pharmaceuticals Act established, and penalties provided.
HF408 (Rukavina) Independent living skills services provided by certain additional qualified people, and Centers for Independent Living regulated.
HF1618 (Kahn) Domestic partners of state employees provided health insurance benefits if they are also made available to spouses.
HF638 (Tinglestad) A bill for an act relating to Human Services; changing eligibility requirements for an adoption assistance program
HF1400 (Tinglestad) Adoption; genetic siblings provided information assistance regarding other siblings.
HF966 (Howes) Nurse overtime orders of compliance authorized.
HF1072 (Liebling) Mortuary science provisions modified.
HF202 (Thissen) Chemical dependency treatment fund eligibility expanded.
HF1442 (Slawick) Compassionate Care of Sexual Assault Victims Act requiring hospital emergency rooms to provide emergency contraception, prophylactic antibiotics, and information to sexual assault victims.
HF1722 (Murphy, E.) Pharmacy dispensing fee modified, and report required.
HF1990 (Ruud) Adverse health care events reporting provisions modified.
HF245 (Anzelc) Adult foster care licensing requirements modified.
HF334 (Hosch) MinnesotaCare income exclusions allowed for certain medical expenses.
HF1077 (Ruud) Language interpreter services coverage required for health plan and medical assistance enrollees.
HF1831 (Thao) Interpreter services work group established relating to medical and dental settings
HF1726 (Thissen) Health Records Act adopted
HF1041 (Abeler) Controlled substances prescription electronic reporting system established.
HF1586 (Tschumper) Statewide health plan purchasing pool study group established.
HF1849 (Gottwalt) Prescriptions or drug orders validity requirements specified.
HF1589 (Murphy, E.) Patient visitation by health care agents provided, and visitation rights and right to designate a domestic partner for certain purposes established.
HF1287 (Davnie) Colorectal screening tests medical insurance coverage required.
HF1999 (Slocum) Health and auto insurance reimbursement required for emergency care provided by first responders.
HF1810 (Poppe) Family day care demonstration project authorized.
HF1582 (Norton) Radioactive material license renewal fee eliminated, ionizing radiation-producing equipment fees established, and x-ray equipment operating requirements and lead abatement program provisions modified.
HF1987 (Huntley) Minnesota Medical Information Council established, and money appropriated.
HF2100 (Clark) Bisphenol-A and phthalates prohibited in products for young children.
HF917 (Clark) Lice and scabies treatment products that contain the pesticide Lindane prohibited.
HF1077 (Ruud) has been removed from the agenda
HF1831 (Thao) has been removed from the agenda
HF1991 (Loeffler) has been removed from the agenda
HF1078 (Huntley) Hospital public interest review and alternative approval process modified, and hospital accountability requirements established for tax purposes.
HF501 (Thissen) Radiation therapy facility construction limitations expiration date eliminated.
HF1402 (Thissen) A bill for an act relating to health; eliminating ratable reductions from rebased rate in certain circumstances
HF1403 (Thissen) A bill for an act relating to health; paying hospital services for actual cost of providing services
HF1404 (Thissen) A bill for an act relating to Human Services; providing a hospital outpatient services rate increase for a certain hospital
HF1885 (Huntley) A bill for an act relating to health; requiring nonprofit hospitals and outpatient surgical centers to report on community benefits in a standard way
HF175 (Erickson) A bill for an act relating to health; excluding aid and attendance benefits from the MinnesotaCare definition of income
HF1577 (Lesch), HF1621 (Bunn), HF1444 (Bigham) and HF1622 (Clark) have been removed from the agenda