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Audio/Video Archives - 2009-2010 Regular Session


Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 55
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Bills Added:
HF1849 (Nelson) - Local governmental unit mandates removed, extended, and modified, and requirements changed for a qualified newspaper.
HF45 (Bigham) - Penalty provided for careless driving resulting in death, and providing for revocation of violator's driver's license.
SF1408 (Hansen) - Aircraft cockpits secured against lasers, and penalties provided.
HF1088 (Swails) - Commercial driver's license record-keeping requirements conformed to federal regulations.
HF1665 (Swails) - Clearing house creation allowed for procurement and shared services examples.
HF986 (Thissen) - County maintenance of effort provisions amended.
HF1127 (Eastlund) - National Guard and reserve member pay differential clarified for teachers.
HF644 (Champion) - Home rule charter or statutory city authorized to adopt a program requiring certain hiring practices in city contracts.
HF45 (Bigham) Penalty provided for careless driving resulting in death, and providing for revocation of violator's driver's license.
HF1849 (Nelson) Local government unit mandates removed, extended and modified.
HF1097 (Hansen) Aircraft cockpits secured against lasers.
HF1088 (Swails) Commercial driver's license record-keeping requirements conformed to federal regulations.
HF1665 (Swails) Education; Best practices center for shared services established.
SF1794/HF1127 (Eastlund) National Guard and reserve member pay differential clarified for teachers.
HF644 (Champion) Home rule charter or statutory city authorized to adopt a program requiring certain hiring practices in city contracts.
HF986 (Thissen) County maintenance of effort provisions amended for mental health provisions.

HF809 (Hornstein) has been removed.


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HF927 (Mahoney) Construction codes and licensing modified.
HF1081 (Mahoney) Small growth business growth acceleration program eligibility expanded, matching funds required, and money appropriated.
HF818 (Hilstrom) Financial records disclosure in connection with financial exploitation investigations authorized, procedures for reporting and investigating maltreatment modified, duties of financial institutions in cases of financial exploitation specified, financial exploitation crime modified, and penalties imposed.
HF1805 (Atkins) Full-time firefighter licensing standards and fees established.
HF103 (Atkins) Single occurrence liability cap removed, and cross references conformed.
HF1511 (Atkins) Lawful gambling provisions modified.
HF2036 (Gottwalt) Commissioner of health required to convene an Alzheimer's disease working group, report required.
HF1237 (Eken) Natural resources and state park provisions modified.
HF696 (Dill) Omnibus lands bill.
HF1132 (Dill) Timber sales apprais
Bills Added:
HF927 (Mahoney) - Construction codes and licensing modified.
HF1081 (Mahoney) - Small business growth acceleration program eligibility expanded, matching funds required, and money appropriated.
HF818 (Hilstrom) - Vulnerable adults; financial records disclosure in connection with financial exploitation investigations authorized; procedures for reporting and investigating maltreatment modified; human services commissioner directed to seek federal grants; duties of financial institutions specified in cases alleging financial exploitation; financial exploitation crime amended; and money appropriated from the federal government.
HF1805 (Atkins) - Full-time firefighter licensing standards, fees established, and money appropriated.
HF103 (Atkins) - Single occurrence liability cap removed, and cross references conformed.
HF1511 (Atkins) - Lawful gambling provisions modified.
HF2036 (Gottwalt) - Commissioner of health required to convene an Alzheimer's disease working group, and report required.
HF1237 (Dill) - Natural resources and state park provisions modified, and money appropriated.
HF696 (Dill) - Omnibus lands bill.
HF1132 (Dill) - Omnibus game and fish bill.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF2175 (Hortman) - Public transit agency grant program established with efforts to reduce diesel pollution.
HF1362 (Huntley) - Omnibus health and human services finance bill.
HF2175 (Hortman) Metro transit diesel bus idling reduction technology and hybrid bus grant program established.
HF1362 (Huntley) Health and human services omnibus finance bill


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF1221 (Bunn) - Stillwater lift bridge endowment account established.
HF2251 (Solberg) - Federal stimulus oversight funding provided, Minnesota law conformed to receive the federal stimulus money, Hennepin County's 2009 nonfederal share of medical assistance costs modified, eligibility for sparsity revenue authorized for the Deer River School District, higher education tuition limits adjusted, funding for MNSCU modified, and money appropriated.
HF877 (Hortman) - Idling reduction technology purchases grant program established.
HF2175 (Hortman) - Public transit agency grant program established with efforts to reduce diesel pollution.
HF267 (Hortman) - Motor vehicle restraint required for child passengers under the age of eight and shorter than four feet nine inches, and seat belt requirements modified accordingly.
SF656 (Hilty) - Legislative Energy Commission directed to analyze state energy standards for certain appliances.
HF2038 (Solberg) - Budget reserve percentage formula periodic review required.
HF1221 (Bunn) Stillwater lift bridge endowment account established.
HF2251 (Solberg) Federal stimulus oversight funding allocated for certain state agencies, money appropriated.
HF877 (Hortman) Idling reduction technology purchases grant program established.
HF2175 (Hortman) Metro transit diesel bus idling reduction technology and hybrid bus grant program established.
HF267 (Hortman) Motor vehicle restraint required for child passengers under the age of eight and shorter than four feet nine inches and seat belt requirements modified accordingly.
SF656 (Hilty) Appliance energy standards analysis by legislative energy commission.
HF2038 (Solberg) Office of Strategic and Long-range Planning established, additional revenue priorities in general fund forecasts modified, report required, and money appropriated.

HF1852 (Knuth) has been removed from the agenda.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Video Available:
HF2 (Greiling) K-12 education omnibus finance bill
HF2150 (Clark) Housing and public health omnibus finance bill
HF869 (Rukavina) Higher Education and workforce development omnibus finance bill
HF1781 (Kahn) State government omnibus finance bill

HF1362 (Huntley) has been removed from the agenda
Bills Added:
HF2 (Greiling) - Omnibus K-12 education bill.
HF2150 (Clark) - Omnibus housing and public health bill.
HF869 (Rukavina) - Omnibus higher education bill.
HF1781 (Kahn) - Omnibus state government bill.
Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 55
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