Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF1464 (Nelson) Commuter Rail Corridor Coordinating Committee membership modified.
HF1547 (Hortman) Municipality design-build method of contracting pilot program created.
HF1191 (Hortman) Provisions modified relating to loans to acquire highway right-of-way in the metropolitan area.
HF700 (Demmer) JOBZ businesses allowed specific service signs.
HF1164 (Liebling) Drivers' license cumulative suspensions halted, penalty imposed for driving after suspension offenses.
(Cont'd from 3/24 agenda)
HF1074/SF470 (Abeler) Anoka County; Design-build process authorized to award contract for construction of inteection of U.S. Highway 10 and Count yState-Aid Highway 83.
Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division
HF572 (Haws) Veteran status designation provided on drivers' licenses and Minnesota identification cards.
HF1672 (Davnie) Intersection gridlock prohibited, petty misdemeanor penalty imposed.
HF1490 (Davnie) Motor carriers of railroad employees regulated.
HF1435 (Knuth) Noise abatement requirements on highway construction projects modified.
HF1421 (Scott) Speed limit provisions amended.
HF1209 (Demmer) Corporate deputy registrar expiration date removed.
HF836 (Drazkowski) Town road speed limits modified.
HF1074/SF740* (Abeler) Anoka County; Design-build process authorized to award contract for construction of intersection of U.S. Highway 10 and County State-Aid Highway 83.
HF1192 (Brod) New Prague; Trunk Highway 19 closure required for the Dozinky Festival.
HF1204 (Dean) Stillwater Lift Bridge weight limits restricted.
Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division
HF1568 (Holberg) Expedited town road extinguishment provision clarified.
HF1693 (Morrow) Environmental impact statement completion required.
HF1246 (Urdahl) Speed violations in excess of 10 mph over a speed limit of 60 mph kept off of driver's driving record.
Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division
HF988 (Mariani) REAL ID Act implementation prohibited.
HF1190 (Mariani) Motor vehicle purchasing requirements modified.
HF912 (Eken) Cargo tank vehicle weight restrictions exempted on seasonally weight-restricted roads.
HF571 (Sailer) Mini truck titling, registration, and operation regulated.
Transportation and Transit Policy and Oversight Division
HF1250 (Hornstein) Electric vehicle infrastructure regulated, and incentives for use and adoption established.
HF899 (Hausman) Transportation goals modified, reduction of vehicle miles traveled and greenhouse gas emissions provided.
HF571 (Sailer) Mini truck titling, registration and operation regulated.
HF668 (Morrow) Postcrash procedures provided for school buses in accidents.
HF1047 (Hornstein) Statewide goals amended for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
HF672 (Dettmer) Freeway shoulders use authorized by transit and metro mobility buses.