Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF418 (Gardner) Buckthorn eradication ordinance adoption allowed for municipalities.
HF710 (Faust) Food Safety and Defense Task Force duties changed, Minnesota Organic Advisory Task Force membership and procedures changed, and language requiring two annual reports eliminated.
HF510 (Juhnke) Pesticide control law, and the fertilizer, soil and plant amendment law provisions changed.
HF598 (Eken) Nursery law provisions changed.
HF280 (Otremba) MinnesotaCare; Resubmission for federal approval requested of the elimination of depreciation add-back for self-employed farmers.
Presentation by the Department of Agriculture and Department of Natural Resources on each agencies role in invasive species prevention and eradication.