Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group's transportation and land use policy recommendations
Center for Transportation Studies' Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Transportation Sources in Minnesota Report
Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group's transportation and land use policy recommendations
Center for Transportation Studies' Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Transportation Sources in Minnesota Report
(Hansen) - Reinvest in Minnesota Resources Law modified.
(Persell) - Local match requirements for certain grants modified.
HF591 (Hansen) Reinvest in Minnesota Resources Law modified
HF536 (Persell) Local match requirements for certain grants modified
HF217 (Faust) has been removed from the agenda
HF250 (Knuth) Children protected from toxic chemicals in products (Action Only)
HF403 (Gardner) Yard waste containers required to be compostable, and biodegradable standard for certain plastics established
HF60 (Hamilton) State trail established
HF230 (Magnus) Casey Jones Trail extended
Bills Added:
(Knuth) - Children's health protected from toxic chemicals in products, disclosure required by manufacturers of children's products that contain chemicals of high concern, Department of Health authorized to designate priority chemicals and safer alternative replacement required, interstate clearinghouse participation authorized, and legislative report required.
(Gardner) - Plastic yard waste bags required to be compostable, and biodegradable and compostable standards for certain plastics established.
(Hamilton) - State trail established.
(Magnus) - Casey Jones Trail extended.
(Hansen) - Watershed district drainage system provisions modified, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Twin Cities metropolitan area regional dog park and matching grant program created, and money appropriated.
HF162 (Hansen) Drainage system provisions modified, and money appropriated
HF297 (Hansen) Twin Cities metropolitan area regional dog park and matching grant program created, and money appropriated
HF250 (Knuth) has been removed from the agenda
HF250 (Knuth) Children protected from toxic chemicals in products, disclosure required by manufacturers of children's products containing high concern chemicals, Pollution Control Agency authorized to designate priority chemicals and safe alternatives required, exemption process provided, interstate clearinghouse participation authorized, and implementation plans and safe product framework reports required (Testimony Only)
Bills Added:
(Knuth) - Children's health protected from toxic chemicals in products, disclosure required by manufacturers of children's products that contain chemicals of high concern, Department of Health authorized to designate priority chemicals and safer alternative replacement required, interstate clearinghouse participation authorized, and legislative report required.