Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Overview of the proposed elimination of the Office of Unlicensed Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practice, Minnesota Department of Health
Bills Added:
(Simon) - Continuing education requirements exception provided for licensed professional counselors.
(Kath) - Ethics training required from home health aides, and commissioner of health instructed to amend rules.
(Norton) - Psychologist licensure requirements modified.
(Ruud) - Genetic counselors licensed.
(Bunn) - Body art procedures and establishments regulation system established, penalty fees adopted, and money appropriated.
(Abeler) - Surgical technologist employment qualifications required.
(Ruud) - Dentistry practice definition modified.
HF1745 (Ruud) Health occupations provisions modified, licensed heath care professional definition expanded, food, beverage, and lodging establishments provisions modified, federal government rules required to implement the minimum data set for resident reimbursement classification
HF1860 (Ruud) Lasers, intense pulsed light devices, and radio frequency devices regulated
HF535 (Thao) Health-related licensing board provisions modified