Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Follow-up questions for BWSR (carry-over from 2/16 hearing)
Finish public testimony on HF332 & HF498
DNR overview -- School Trust Land
Informational hearing on HF206 (Dittrich) Minnesota's permanent school trust land independent authority created for management, supervision, and administration; HF207 (Dittrich) Mineral management cost payment prohibited from permanent school trust fund land proceeds, and money appropriated; and HF435 (Dittrich) Minnesota's permanent school trust land independent authority created for management, supervision, and administration.
Informational hearing on HF503 (Anderson, P) Land management activities exempted from contracting restrictions, and mission of the Department of Natural Resources modified.
Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Policy and Finance
Dept of Commerce/Office of Energy Security overview
All bills being heard are for possible inclusion in an omnibus game/fish bill; no votes will be taken at this hearing.
Minnesota Zoo overview
Conservation Corps overview
All bills being heard will be for possible inclusion in an omnibus game/fish bill; no votes will be taken at this hearing.
Bills Added:
(Hackbarth) - Decoy restrictions modified.
(Dill) - Deer killed by motor vehicle permitted to be kept by the driver.