Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Equal time will be given for each side. If you wish to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Monday, March 5.
Bills Added:
(Gottwalt) - Hospital community benefit programs and health maintenance organization collaboration plans; evidence-based strategy requirements removed.
(Barrett) - Advisory council provisions modified.
(Gottwalt) - Health and human services policy provisions changed; provisions modified relating to continuing care, telephone equipment program, chemical and mental health, and health care; comprehensive assessment and case management services reformed; and technical changes made.
(Abeler) - Chemical use assessment requirements modified for civil commitments, chemical health navigation program created, chemical health services reports required, and rulemaking authority provided.
(Abeler) - Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
(Abeler) - Human services legal provisions changed; human services licensing, licensing data, and the Office of Inspector General related provisions modified; Human Services Background Studies Act amended; municipal license provisions modified; program integrity monitoring provided for; data sharing required; eligibility determinations required; and report required.
(Abeler) - Continuing care policy provisions amended, disability services and licensing provision changes made, home and community-based service standards established, and payment methodologies established.
(Kiffmeyer) - Sunset review process changes implemented and Sunset Advisory Commission permitted to enter into contracts, and other provisions modified relating to state councils and agencies, and money appropriated.
Equal time will be given for each side. If you wish to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 28.
Bills Added:
(Schomacker) - Background study requirements modified, and notification requirements modified.
(Schomacker) - Minnesota supplemental aid shelter needy provisions modified, and adult foster care homes modified.
HF2241 will be informational.
Equal time will be given for each side. If you wish to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson by 2:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 27.
Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
(Anderson) - Health maintenance organizations regulatory authority shifted from the commissioner of health to the commissioner of commerce.
(Gottwalt) - Healthy Minnesota contribution program eligibility modified.
(Gottwalt) - Managed care plan financial reporting changes made, an annual independent third-party audit required, and reporting requirements eliminated and modified.
(Laine) - Managed care plan financial reporting changes required, and annual independent third-party audit required.
Equal time will be given for each side. If you would like to testify, please send an email to
Please have amendments submitted to Holly Iverson, Committee Administrator, by 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 21
Bills Added:
(Anderson) - Offenders possessing multiple welfare electronic benefit cards required to be reported by law enforcement departments to the commissioner of human services.
(Daudt) - Electronic benefit transfer cards modified, and electronic benefit transfer card use regulated.
(Daudt) - MFIP ineligibility, sanctions, time limit, and exit level modified; and electronic benefit transfer card regulated.
Office of Legislative Auditor's evaluation report on Child Protection Screening.
The report will be posted on the Office of Legislative Auditor's website at 1:30 p.m. on Feb. 21 and paper copies will be available at the committee hearing.
If you would like to testify, please contact Holly Iverson via email at