Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
(McFarlane) - Counties given authority to provide for general welfare, and alternative service delivery pilot program for waivers established.
(Hansen) - Legislative auditor governing provisions modified.
(Beard) - State and local water management study required.
(Peppin) - Department of Revenue required to issue a request for proposals for a tax analytics and business intelligence contract, and money appropriated.
HF42 (Davids/Ortman) Omnibus Tax Bill
HF42 and Minnesota Tax Competitiveness
Note: More bills may be added.
HF1331 and HF1506 will be heard pending previous committee approval by government operations committee
HF174 was previously heard in committee and laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus state government finance bill. It will be motioned to the House Ways and Means Committee during this hearing.
Bills Added:
(Johnson) - Mississippi River Parkway Commission expiration date changed.
(Kahn) - Geospatial advisory council provisions changed and expiration date extended.
(Benson) - State agencies required to enter into contracts to provide consulting services for improvements to state-operated systems and services.
(Leidiger) - E-Verify use required by state contractors.
(Banaian) - Legislative Commission on Planning and Fiscal Policy membership, duties, and responsibilities changed, and money appropriated.
(Peppin) - Department of Revenue required to issue a request for proposals for a tax analytics and business intelligence contract, and money appropriated.
Note: Some of the bills being heard today were previously heard in committee and laid over for possible inclusion in omnibus state government finance bill. The following bills will be motioned to Ways and Means Committee during this hearing: HF2, HF384, HF 886, HF1063, and HF1024.
Bills Added:
(Sanders) - State passenger vehicle fleet management and consolidation provided.
(Banaian) - Performance data added to budget proposal, zero-based budgeting required, and sunset advisory commission and sunset process established for state agencies.
(Dettmer) - Campus veterans representative program sunset repealed.
(Stensrud) - Deputy commissioner numbers reduced and assistant commissioner position eliminated in the unclassified service.
(Murray) - Counties permitted to perform private audit meeting standards of state auditor.
(Lanning) - Compulsive gambling money appropriated.
(Kahn) - State government finance; amount billed by the commissioner of management and budget for statewide services changed, general fund budget reserve maximum amount set, additional forecast balance allocated, credited bond proceeds specified, Environmental Quality Board technical changes made, Enterprise Real Property Technology System funds availability extended, and money appropriated.
2011 Tax Incidence Study Presentation - Dr. Paul Wilson, Department of Revenue; John Spry, Professor, University of St. Thomas
HF42 (Davids) Omnibus tax bill.
Walk-through of spreadsheet side-by-side
House Conferees: Davids, Loon, Anderson, S., Runbeck, Lenczewski
Senate Conferees: Ortman, Limmer, Rosen, Senjem, Chamberlain
HF577/SF1047* (Lanning/Parry) Omnibus state government finance bill
SENATE CONFEREES: Parry; Gazelka; Thompson; Daley; Vandeveer
HOUSE CONFEREES: Lanning; Downey; Benson; Stensrud; Anderson
(Downey) - Commissioner of administration required to issue a request for proposals and enter into a contract for strategic sourcing consulting services, and money appropriated.
HF1231 (Paymar) Policy, technical, administrative, enforcement, and other changes made to individual income, corporate franchise, estate, sales and use, property, insurance, and other taxes and tax-related provisions, and conforming to Internal Revenue Code changes.
***NOTE: HF1231 is Governor Dayton's tax plan***
If you would like to testify please contact the Committee Administrator Bobby Patrick, VI at 651-296-4119 or
Bills Added:
(Davids) - State and local government finance provisions changed relating to income and corporate, property, sales and use, mineral, and miscellaneous taxes; and other provisions changed relating to local development, estate taxes, and homestead market value cleanup; and money appropriated.
(Davids) - Wisconsin reciprocity agreement negotiation directed and its termination permitted only by law.
(Buesgens) - Game bird and waterfowl sale included in the definition of agricultural products.