Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
(Melin) - Deer taken legally allowed to be used in a contest in conjunction with a raffle.
(Hansen) - Soil and water conservation district supervisors required to be elected by supervisor districts in the metropolitan area.
(Hansen) - Drainage system provisions modified.
(Melin) - Firearm seizure penalty for baiting deer modified.
(Hortman) - Lead and mercury products prohibited and regulated, and formaldehyde in children's products ban modified.
(Hortman) - Environmental data classified, reporting requirements modified, permitting efficiencies modified and created, Pollution Control Agency duties modified, administrative penalty order and field citation provisions modified, civil penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
Update on moose research in Minnesota.
*HF896 was passed after a full hearing in the 2013 session and returned to the committee pursuant to House Rule 4.20. The committee intends to limit itself to taking procedural action to return this bill to the General Register.
Bills Added:
(Persell) - Electric fish barrier design contract required.
Informational Hearing on HF957 (Dettmer) School construction near former landfills prohibited, and notice required for schools located near former landfills.
Informational hearing on wolf management by the State of Minnesota.
If you want to testify, please contact Peter Strohmeier at