Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF2543 (Hortman) Data classified, reporting requirements modified, permitting efficiencies modified and created, Pollution Control Agency duties modified, administrative penalty order and field citation provisions modified, civil penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Finance
(Dill) - Omnibus game and fish bill.
(Dill) - Omnibus environment and natural resources policy bill.
(Erickson) - Omnibus lands bill.
(Winkler) - Toxic Free Kids Act; children protected from harmful chemical exposure in products, disclosure required, priority chemical identification criteria amended, Pollution Control Agency authorized to prohibit sales of children's products that contain harmful chemicals, waiver process provided, fees established, and criminal penalty provided.
(Wagenius) - Omnibus supplemental environment, natural resources, and agriculture finance bill.
HF2564 (Hornstein) Statewide solid waste source reduction goal established, recycling definition expanded, recycling required in sports facilities and commercial buildings, metropolitan area county recycling goals amended, and money appropriated. *
HF3158 (Wagenius) Composting grant program funding provided to local units of government, and money appropriated.
HF2802 (Hansen) Department of Agriculture prohibited from accepting funds from agricultural commodity groups for activities, and money appropriated.
HF2431 (Benson, J.) School trust lands director and the Legislative Permanent School Fund Commission funding amended.
HF 3187 (Wagenius) Pollinator habitat in state parks and along state trails money appropriated. (Formerly on agenda as JT187)
HF2780 (Dill) Shooting sports facility grant program established, and money appropriated.*
HF2908 (Hansen) Bee death caused by pesticide poisoning compensation provided, pollinator emergency response team established, civil liability for bee deaths provided, and money appropriated. *
Bills may be added, or removed, from the agenda.
* We will do an informational hearing if we do not have possession of this bill.
Bills Removed:
HF 2301 (Erickson, R.) Land and revenue disposition modified, requirement for commissioner's approval of land sales modified, state forests and recreation areas added to and deleted from, public and private sales and exchanges of state lands authorized, and state parks merged.