Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
(Nelson) - Family child care providers and home and community-based long-term care services collective bargaining authorized, funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Johnson) - Broadband Development Office established in the Commerce Department, duties assigned, Transportation Department required to post a database on its website, and reports required.
(Lillie) - Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Personal sick leave benefit use modified, and report required.
(Kahn) - Pregnancy leave required, and employment accommodations required for pregnant women.
Note: HF 602 is being placed on the agenda in order to amend the motion that it should go to the Committee on Jobs, not Commerce as originally moved.
Bills Added:
(Simon) - Prompt wage payment requirements and penalties modified.
(Mahoney) - Criminal history reliance for employment purposes limited, and remedies provided.
(Nelson) - Labor and industry commissioner allowed to issue compliance orders for violations of employment relationship misrepresentations.
(Atkins) - Additional unemployment benefit eligibility modified in cases of lockout, and penalties provided for organizations involved in lockouts.
(Kahn) - Pregnancy leave required, and employment accommodations required for pregnant women.
(Atkins) - Additional unemployment benefit eligibility modified in cases of lockout, and penalties provided for organizations involved in lockouts.