Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Public testimony welcome in the evening after all bills have been presented. There is no pre-registration to testify. If you would like to testify, please come directly to the hearing. All testimony must be regarding a specific bill.
Due to time constraints, written testimony regarding specific bills will be accepted at the hearing or by mail to Laura Taken-Holtze, Committee Administrator, 570 State Office Building, 100 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, Saint Paul, MN 55155.
Bills Added:
(Lesch) - Firearms; civil commitment data transfer provided to a federal background check system, and lawful possession and transfer of firearms modified.
(Simonson) - Body armor permit required to purchase, own, possess, or use; and criminal penalties provided.
(Simonson) - Firearms; permit to carry application required to be made to a chief of police of a municipality, and if no chief of police, to a county sheriff.
(Hausman) - Firearms; large-capacity magazine crime established for the manufacture, transfer, or possession of ammunition feeding devices with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds or any conversion kit, part, or combination of parts; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided.
Public testimony welcome after bills on the agenda have been heard. All testimony must be regarding a specific bill.
Due to time constraints, written testimony regarding specific bills will be accepted at the hearing.
Bills Added:
(Hausman) - Firearms; assault weapon manufacture, transfer, or possession crime established; existing assault weapon disposal or registration provided; terms defined; data classified; language clarified; and penalties provided.
(Hausman) - Firearms; large-capacity magazine crime established for the manufacture, transfer, or possession of ammunition feeding devices with the capacity to accept more than ten rounds or any conversion kit, part, or combination of parts; terms defined; and criminal penalties provided.
Bills related to Gun Violence Prevention Act.
Public testimony welcome. All testimony must be regarding a specific bill.
To testify, please come to the committee room a few minutes early to sign-in.
Due to time constraints, written testimony regarding specific bills will be accepted at the hearing.
Bills Added:
(Paymar) - Firearms; pistol and semiautomatic military-style assault weapon transfer and firearm possession eligibility provisions modified, and criminal penalties provided.
(Schoen) - Firearm permit mental health screening improved.
(Winkler) - Firearms; centralized register maintenance and creation required for individuals who voluntarily wish to be ineligible to purchase firearms for a self-determined period of time; chiefs of police and sheriffs mandated to accept voluntary surrender of firearms and ammunition and establish procedural return of the firearms and ammunition upon request.
(Johnson) - Firearm loss or theft false report crime established, crime of transferring firearms to an ineligible person expanded, and a person convicted of these crimes made ineligible to possess a firearm.
(Davnie) - Firearms; offenders who unlawfully possess firearms on school properties equal penalties established.
(Davnie) - Firearms; persons who possess guns on private property after being ordered to leave the premises equal penalties established.
HF40 (Hilstrom) Guardian and conservator appointment provisions modified, background study fee increased, and guardian and conservator annual report content modified.
Office of Justice Programs