Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Informational hearing on the Minnesota Ag Interpretive Center
Bills Added:
(Cornish) - Farmamerica, the Minnesota Agricultural Interpretive Center grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Petersburg) - Nonprofit ticket or admission sales tax exemption clarified.
(Franson) - Equity-stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
(Quam) - Agricultural homestead classification for property allowed.
(Quam) - Agricultural property taxation changes made, and valuation exclusion for homeowners over age 65 created.
(Marquart) - Agricultural purposes definition modified for class 2 properties.
A vote will be taken on HF880 only. Presentation and testimony will be taken on the other bills, all of which will be laid over.
Bills Added:
(Anderson) - Agricultural education teacher loan forgiveness provided, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
(Anderson) - Agricultural educator grant program established, and money appropriated.
(Bly) - Income tax credit for sales or rentals of agricultural assets to beginning farmers provided, income tax credit for beginning farmer financial management programs provided, and the beginning farmer program administered by the Rural Finance Authority modified.
(Poppe) - Agriculture related program funding provided for grants, scholarships, and courses; agricultural growth, research, and innovation programs extended; and money appropriated.
(Marquart) - Agricultural Growth, Research, and Investment (AGRI) program extended for ten years; portion of annual AGRI spending dedicated to farm business management scholarships; income tax credits to encourage beginning farmers provided; beginning farmer individual development accounts and supplemental farm business management program funding provided; and money appropriated.
(Quam) - Rural service district establishment required in cities containing agricultural property.
(Fabian) - Private truck wash facilities operated as part of feedlot operations permitting provided.
(Anderson) - Farmer Lender Mediation Act extended for two years, advisory task force established, report required, and law repealed that would have extended the Farmer Lender Mediation Act until June 30, 2017 if the legislature did not meet in regular session during calendar year 2016.
(Anderson) - Livestock production facility nuisance claims provided relating to odor.