Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Overview of the HF3066 author's delete all amendment to make this the omnibus education policy bill will take place during the committee's regular scheduled time. The amendment will be posted to our committee page at 8:15AM on Wednesday, March 30th.
Testimony will take place after the walkthrough is completed.
Mark-up/action will take place after testimony has been completed.
***Bills may be added from Tuesday's agenda if they are not completed during committee time on that day***
***The committee will reconvene in SOB 200 at 4:45PM or 20 minutes after session adjourns (if applicable), whichever is later***
***If you are interested in testifying on the DE amendment, please contact Tom Brennan at***
Bills Added:
(Erickson) - Early childhood and prekindergarten through grade 12 education, including general education, education excellence, charter schools, special education, facilities and technology, and sufficiency and lifelong learning provided.
***We will be taking HF2671 off the table from our 3/17/16 hearing and laying it over for possible inclusion. We will not be taking testimony on this bill.
***If necessary, the committee will reconvene at 4:45 p.m. or 20 minutes after the adjournment of session (if applicable) in the Basement Hearing Room if the agenda is not completed during scheduled time***
***If you are interested in testifying, please contact Tom Brennan at with the bill number you plan to testify on***
Bills Added:
(Erickson) - Deaf and hard-of-hearing and the blind and visually impaired advisory committees report modified.
(Hertaus) - Education commissioner's authority to adopt desegregation and integration rules for Minnesota's public schools clarified, and eligible districts defined in statute.
(Fenton) - Grow Your Own teacher residency pilot program established, and money appropriated.
(Erickson) - Teacher Shortage Act created, and money appropriated.
(Christensen) - Student Discipline Working Group created to review the substance, application, and effect of Minnesota's Pupil Fair Dismissal Act and make recommendations to the legislature.
(Lucero) - Student data access addressed, disclosure requirements affecting personally identifiable information about a student clarified, information in electronic student education records managed, student survey requirements established, and civil penalties provided.
(Erickson) - Charter school provisions technical and grammatical corrections made, and erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text corrected.
(Selcer) - Struggling student pilot project to help those in grades 3 to 5 read at grade level established, and money appropriated.
(Dettmer) - Congressional Medal of Honor focus in character development education encouraged.
(Erickson) - Parent's responsibility to educate child clarified.
(Ward) - Perpich Center for Arts Education board structure amended, and additional oversight provided.
Bills may be taken in any order. Bills may be added.
***If you are interested in testifying, please contact Tom Brennan at with the number of the bill you plan to testify on***
Bills Added:
(Barrett) - Charter school provisions modified.
(Erickson) - Charter school provisions technical and grammatical corrections made, and erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text corrected.
(Erickson) - Deaf and hard-of-hearing and the blind and visually impaired advisory committees report modified.
Bills may be taken in any order. Bills may be added.
***If necessary, the committee will reconvene in the Basement Hearing Room at 5:00 p.m. or 20 minutes after the conclusion of session (if applicable), whichever is later, to finish our agenda***
***If you are interested in testifying, please contact Tom Brennan at***
Bills Added:
(Erickson) - Education commissioner directed to develop plan to ensure privacy and security of students' personally identifiable information.
(Lucero) - Student privacy in data on electronic devices provided by an educational institution protected, and penalties provided.
(Lucero) - Student privacy with respect to electronic data in student information systems protected, and penalties provided.
(Lucero) - Student privacy in personal electronic devices on campus protected, and civil penalties provided.
(Erickson) - Statutes governing parental rights in education cross-reference directory created.
(Lucero) - Student data access addressed, disclosure requirements affecting personally identifiable information about a student clarified, information in electronic student education records managed, student survey requirements established, and civil penalties provided.
Presentation from the Office of the Legislative Auditor on Minnesota Teacher Licensure.
Office of the Legislative Auditor
Bills may be taken in any order. Bills may be added.
HF 2814 Erickson - Legislative study group to review the legislative auditor's 2016 report on kindergarten through grade 12 teacher licensure and consider how to implement the recommendations established.
HF 2861 Mariani - Legislative task force to review the legislative auditor's 2016 report on kindergarten through grade 12 teacher licensure and consider how to implement the recommendations established.