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Audio/Video Archives - 2017-2018 Regular Session

Health and Human Services Finance

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Health and Human Services Finance

If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Due to the number of bills on the agenda, please limit testimony to two minutes.

Additional bills may be added to the agenda.

**Bill Added** HF 2063 (Theis) Home Care Provider Advisory Council duties modified with respect to the use of revenue generated by fines on providers.
**Bill Added** HF1619 (Schomacker) Children's hospitals contingent, alternate medical assistance payment method established
Bills Added:
HF139 (Knoblach) - Child care assistance subsidy restrictions modified.
HF809 (Franson) - Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
HF812 (Kiel) - Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
HF904 (Franson) - Positive support strategy rule exemption provided.
HF1422 (Franson) - Child care licensing definition modified; child care correction order posting requirements modified; correction order quotas for child care licensing prohibited; child care license holders required to be informed of changes in statute, rule, federal law, regulation, and policy; and report to the legislature on the status of child care required.
HF1458 (Franson) - Child care provisions modified.
HF723 (Peterson) - Child care assistance program maximum reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
HF604 (Quam) - Hands Off Child Care Act adopted.
HF1311 (Quam) - County licensing agencies required to offer and conduct exit interviews for family child care providers, and fix-it ticket alternative to a correction order authorized.
HF1459 (Flanagan) - Family child care licensors oversight and training required, and training curriculum development required.
HF1508 (Lucero) - Child care licensing provisions modified, and reports required.
HF1619 (Schomacker) - Children's hospitals contingent, alternate medical assistance payment method established.
HF2063 (Theis) - Home Care Provider Advisory Council duties modified with respect to the use of revenue generated by fines on providers.
HF 812 (Kiel) - MN ACOG Ch Ltr HF 812_Final _Kiel HHS Finance.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 809 (Franson) - MN ACOG Ch Ltr Hf 809_Final_Franson HHS Finance.docx (3/13/2017)
HF809-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF812-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1311 (Quam) - Amendment H1311A2.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1311 (Quam) - Amendment H1311A3.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1603 (Pierson) - Amendment H1603DE2.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 139 (Knoblach) - Amendment H0139A1.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 2063 (Theis) - Amendment H2063A1.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1412 (Pierson) - MN support services one pager.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 723 (Peterson) - Paula_Landis_Testimony_HF723 (1).pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 723 (Peterson) - Amendment H0723A2.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 1458 (Franson) - PSP E.Juon Written Testimony (1).pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (Kiel) - Amendment H0812A2.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 1412 (Pierson) - Amendment H1412A1.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF1422-1A Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - Franson PSR Letter Final 20170307.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF1311-1A Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF1508-1E Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 1508 (Lucero) - Amendment A17-0214.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF904-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (Kiel) - Amendment H0812A3.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - dhs-291014.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - Letter PSR 3-15-17.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - Letter Commissioner Piper 3-9-17.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) Positive Support Petition.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) Testimony-Hollee Saville.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 604 (Franson) Testimony-Hollee Saville.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 604 (Franson) Testimony-Hollee Saville.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (KIiel) MDH letter regarding HF 812.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (Kiel) Goodwin Testimony HF 809 and HF 812_1.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF139-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/16/2017)
HF1619-1A Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/16/2017)
HF 604 (Quam) AFSCME Handout.pdf (3/16/2017)
HF 1412 (Pierson) Written Testimony.docx (3/16/2017)
HF 812 (KIEL) Laurie Casey written testimony HF 812_1.docx (3/16/2017)

Health and Human Services Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Due to the number of bills on the agenda, please limit testimony to two minutes.

Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF641 (Dean) - Intergovernmental transfers and supplemental payments exempted from hospital surcharge, and mandatory intergovernmental transfer repealed.
HF815 (Kresha) - Advanced practice registered nurses in primary care practice low retention rate study grant required, and money appropriated.
HF1182 (Peterson) - Parental contribution amounts for services for children with disabilities modified.
HF1649 (Haley) - Electronic service delivery documentation system established, and money appropriated.
HF1703 (Barr) - Medical assistance reimbursement rate for public health nurse home visits increased.
HF1861 (Anselmo) - Food shelf programs funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2140 (Kresha) - Opioid abuse prevention pilot project establishment required, and money appropriated.
HF1860 (Baker) - Child and adolescent behavioral health services funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF237 (Dean) - Health care delivery pilot program created by or including North Memorial Health Care established.
HF526 (Zerwas) - Occupational Therapy Practice Board created.
HF808 (Zerwas) - Early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program allowed to cover stiripentol.
HF1362 (Scott) - Coparent services grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2047 (Franke) - Strategic plan to end HIV/AIDS development required.
HF1357 (Gruenhagen) - Chiropractic service coverage under medical assistance modified.
HF202 (Gruenhagen) - Public health care programs for dental service providers participation requirements modified.
HF1383 (Zerwas) - Human services commissioner directed to seek an amendment to the brain injury waiver, traumatic brain injury definition modified for the state traumatic brain injury program, and money appropriated for programs related to reducing fetal alcohol syndrome and related effects.
HF1816 (Zerwas) - Community action agencies and Indian reservation available funding amounts modified, and money appropriated.
HF1819 (Zerwas) - Medical assistance drug dispensation provisions modified, and payment rates for drugs under medical assistance modified.
HF1739 (Zerwas) - Competitive bidding and managed care procurement requirements set.
HF1517 (Dean) - Health care service quality assessment provisions modified.
HF2224 (Loon) - Intermediate school district mental health innovation grant program established, and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Finance

If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Due to the number of bills on the agenda, please limit testimony to two minutes.

Additional bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
HF874 (Hamilton) - Housing needs funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF873 (Hamilton) - Intermediate care facility reimbursement rates modified for persons with developmental disabilities and for home and community-based providers.
HF225 (Zerwas) - Medical assistance asset and spenddown limits increased for persons who are blind, have disabilities, or are 65 or older.
HF1166 (Backer) - Rate setting analysis report required.
HF1350 (Franson) - Medical assistance spenddown procedures modified.
HF1176 (Hamilton) - Mental health provider rate increase provided.
HF1561 (Hamilton) - Mental health practitioners allowed to provide telemedicine services, and medical assistance limit on telemedicine encounters modified.
HF2201 (Schomacker) - Advanced care planning on end-of-life care choices funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1349 (Franson) - Urgent dental care service pilot project established, and critical access dental provider payments modified.
HF2063 (Theis) - Home Care Provider Advisory Council duties modified with respect to the use of revenue generated by fines on providers.
HF 874 (Hamilton) Amendment HF874A1.pdf (3/10/2017)
HF 1561 (Hamilton) - MHPAM Letter of Support for House HHS Finance Hearing.PDF (3/13/2017)
HF 873 (Hamilton) - 2017BLAFactSheet.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 873 (Hamilton) - Amendment H0873A1.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 1176 (Hamilton) MACMHP Letter.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 1561 (Hamilton) - MACMHP Letter of Support.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 1176 (Hamilton) - Amendment H1176A2.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - MHCA Letter of Support for House HHS Finance Committee Hearing.doc (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - Income Standards HF 225 Zerwas.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - Jim Carlisle story.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - MA Spenddown Fact Sheet & Stories.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - MSCOD MA reform letter of support-house.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - NAMI, HF 225 letter of support.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - Rebecca story for HHS Finance Hearing 2017.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 225 (Zerwas) - Rik story for HHS Finance Hearing.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 1561 (Hamilton) Telemedicine Letter.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 1561 (Hamilton) MRHA Letter of Support.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF225-1E Completed FN.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF2201-0 Completed FN.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF1349-0 Completed FN.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF 2117 (Pierson) - CCD letter of support.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 2117 (Pierson) - DOLI letter of support.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 2117 (Pierson) - MSCOD BUDGET INFO SHEET.doc (3/13/2017)
HF 2117 (Pierson) - PVA letter of support.rtf (3/13/2017)
HF1166-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/13/2017)
HF873-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/14/2017)

Health and Human Services Finance

If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

**BILLS ADDED** HF 2012 (Heintzeman) and HF 1195 (Albright)
Bills Added:
HF1258 (Heintzeman) - Mental health clinics and centers payment rates modified.
HF1404 (Baker) - First psychiatric episode treatment and services funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1177 (Baker) - Children's mental health collaboratives funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1194 (Albright) - Mental health service provisions modified, reimbursement for institutions of mental disease for children provided, and comprehensive analysis and report required on intensive mental health services for children.
HF1371 (Peterson) - Hospital construction moratorium exception for a juvenile psychiatric hospital authorized.
HF1282 (Kiel) - Licensed psychologist licensure requirements clarified, and language updated.
HF262 (Kiel) - Alzheimer's disease working group extended, and money appropriated.
HF345 (Zerwas) - Palliative Care Advisory Committee created.
HF2012 (Heintzeman) - Mental health grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1195 (Albright) - Psychiatric residential treatment facilities for persons younger than 21 criteria established.

Health and Human Services Finance

If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at
Bills Added:
HF952 (Kiel) - Hearing loss care training provided to home care provider staff and supervisors.
HF1619 (Schomacker) - Children's hospitals contingent, alternate medical assistance payment method established.
HF1758 (Liebling) - HIV prevention grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1784 (Kresha) - Targeted home visiting services for high-risk populations funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1559 (Dean) - Hospital rate and reimbursement provisions modified.
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