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Audio/Video Archives - 2017-2018 Regular Session

Health and Human Services Reform

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 37
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Health and Human Services Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
If you or someone you know would like to testify, please contact Khayree Duckett, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills on the agenda are not listed in the order they will be heard. Additional bills may be added.

Thank you!
Bills Added:
HF3017 (O'Neill) - Sexual assault examination kit procedure established, and notice provided to victims.
HF822 (Franson) - Minnesota Athletic Trainers Act modified.
HF1122 (Albright) - Speech-language pathology assistant licensure system established, and registration fees set.
HF2753 (Kiel) - Board of Medical Practice authorized to issue a limited license to practice medicine in rural or underserved communities for international medical graduates.
HF3056 (Kiel) - Licensed physical therapists authorized to provide a medical statement for parking privileges for physically disabled persons.
HF1025 (Kiel) - Continuing education requirements modified for persons licensed to practice mortuary science, and certification required of unlicensed personnel who perform cremations.
HF972 (Johnson) - Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board authorized to adopt rules authorizing certified emergency medical services personnel to assist with administering emergency prescription medications and participate in care coordination, and rulemaking required.
HF3194 (Whelan) - Physicians required to allow viewing of ultrasound imaging prior to an abortion.
HF3735 (Franson) - Wells and borings licensure and registration requirements modified, and completion date changed for work report on wells and borings.
HF3612 (Fenton) - Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) waiver data review required.
HF3722 (Fenton) - Work and community engagement requirement for medical assistance enrollees federal waiver required.
HF3171 (Kiel) - Health commissioner required to convene the older adult social isolation working group, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2962 (Peterson) - Pharmacists authorized to prescribe tobacco cessation medications, opiate antagonists, and travel medications.
HF3204 (Peterson) - Breast cancer screening procedure coverage required.
HF3290 (Pugh) - Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard-of-Hearing modified.

Health and Human Services Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
If you or someone you know would like to testify, please contact Khayree Duckett, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills on the agenda are not listed in the order they will be heard.

Additional bills may be added.

Thank you!
Bills Added:
HF3287 (Whelan) - Lodging facility employees required to be trained to recognize sex trafficking.
HF3133 (Koznick) - Stable housing and support services for youth grant program established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3134 (Backer) - Children's residential treatment payment provisions effective date amended, and children's mental health report and recommendations deadline extended.
HF3448 (Quam) - Isolation and quarantine provisions changed.
HF3012 (Peterson) - Prescription medication payment modified.
HF2389 (Gruenhagen) - Alternative pain management pilot program established, and evaluation of pilot program required.
HF1403 (Kiel) - Alcohol and drug counselors added to the health professional education loan forgiveness program.
HF2653 (Fenton) - Human herpesvirus cytomegalovirus information made available.
HF3197 (Runbeck) - Minnesota Family Investment Program (MFIP) modified to require an assessment of need for parenting skills training.
HF3132 (Zerwas) - Audit to identify third-party liability related to Minnesota health care programs required, and human services commissioner required to contract with a vendor for third-party recovery.
HF3024 (Dean) - Health plan company prohibited from contractually preventing a pharmacist from informing a patient of a price differential, and standard for prescription cost to consumers established.
HF3534 (Dean) - Opioid reduction pilot program established, and money appropriated.
HF3055 (Kiel) - Elderly waiver language recodified, and technical corrections made.
HF3308 (Kiel) - Older and vulnerable adult protections provided, health care and home care bills of rights modified, regulation of home care providers modified, correction order provisions modified, training and operations panel within the Office of Health Facility Complaints established, vulnerable adult maltreatment reporting requirements modified, working groups established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF3296 (Kiel) - Vulnerable adults and reporting maltreatment statutory provisions modified.
HF2911 (Loonan) - Adult foster care and community residential setting license capacity modified, and home and community-based services governing provisions modified.
HF2741 (Quam) - Report to legislature required on medical assistance, long-term services and supports, and other public assistance program applications.
HF3432 (Albright) - Mental health provider provisions modified.
HF3195 (Albright) - Council of Health Boards required to study and make recommendations on increasing access to clinical experiences through the use of technology, and money appropriated.
HF1440 (Baker) - Opioid Addiction Prevention and Treatment Advisory Council established; opioid addiction prevention and treatment account established; substance use disorder treatment provider requirements modified; opioid addiction prevention, education, research, intervention, treatment, and recovery provisions modified; reports required; and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Reform

If you or someone you know would like to testify, please contact Khayree Duckett, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Bills on the agenda are not listed in the order they will be heard.

Thank you!
Bills Added:
HF3240 (Haley) - Home care provider regulation modified.
HF3193 (Schomacker) - Day training and habilitation services and prevocational services provisions modified.
HF3191 (Schomacker) - Disability waiver rate system modified.
HF2919 (Kiel) - Community health workers allowed to provide telemedicine services, and medical assistance limit for telemedicine encounters eliminated.
HF2987 (Kiel) - Drug repository program created.
HF3101 (Theis) - Health service executive licensure established.
HF3530 (Albright) - Advisory council established on pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome.
HF3404 (Albright) - Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Committee expiration date postponed.
HF3575 (Albright) - Human Services Department restructuring working group established, and report required.
HF3023 (Dean) - Physician continuing education requirements modified, and money appropriated.
HF3139 (Dean) - Prescribed pediatric extended care center licensure requirements modified, prescribed pediatric extended care center services added to list of covered services under medical assistance, and human services commissioner directed to seek necessary amendments.
HF3061 (Dean) - Primary care residency programs expanded.
HF2780 (Quam) - Background study provisions modified.
HF3169 (Schomacker) - Background study requirements for minors living in a licensed foster care home modified.
HF3573 (Albright) - Family child care and legal nonlicensed child care program background study requirements modified.
HF3455 (Zerwas) - Behavioral health service provider provisions modified.
HF3605 (Baker) - Local community grants to increase child care providers authorized, report required, and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Reform

I. Call To Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes (3/6/18)
IV. HF2996 (Kresha) Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
• Nicole Names, MACSSA Representative and Human Services Dir, Pope County
• Traci Laliberte, Exec Dir, Cntr for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, U of MN Tein Cities
• Tracy Krudo, Manager, Child Welfare Training – DHS
• Eric Jayne, County CP, Ramsey County
• Rich Gehrman, Executive Director, Safe Passage for Children of Minnesota
V. HF2920 (Kiel) Ramsey County; nursing facility construction project rate modified.
• Marvin Plakut, CEO, Episcopal Church Homes of Minnesota
VI. HF3172 (Zerwas) Notice to home care provider of person's status as registered predatory offender required.
• Kevin Goodno, MN HomeCare Assoc.
VII. HF3312 (Zerwas) Minnesota Health Records Act provisions modified (1 HR maximum)
• Speaking against: Matt Flanders - Legislative Specialist, Citizens' Council for Health Freedom
• Speaking against: David Feinwachs, St. Paul
• Speaking against: Rich Neumeister, St. Paul
• Speaking in favor: Mark Buermann, ALS Association of Minnesota
• Speaking in favor: Steven Mulder, M.D., President & CEO Hutchinson Health
• Speaking in favor: Bentley Graves, Director, Health Care and Transportation Policy, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce / Lucas Nesse, Health Policy and Grassroots Director, Minnesota Business Partnership
• Speaking in favor: Careen Martin, Vice President & Chief Privacy Officer Allina Health / Sarah Karlgaard, Senior Associate General Counsel Allina Health
VIII. Adjournment
Bills Added:
HF2996 (Kresha) - Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rulemaking authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2920 (Kiel) - Ramsey County; nursing facility construction project rate modified.
HF3172 (Zerwas) - Notice to home care provider of person's status as registered predatory offender required.
HF3312 (Zerwas) - Patient consent to release of health records provision modified.

Health and Human Services Reform

Office of the Legislative Auditor's Report on the Minnesota Department of Health's Office of Health Facility Complaints (OHFC)
Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 37
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