Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
(Loonan) - Interference or attempted interference with point-of-sale terminals, gas pump dispensers, and automated teller machines crime established.
(Lohmer) - Collection of information on the connection between pornography and sex trafficking required, and authorized penalty assessment expanded to include additional crimes.
(Kiel) - Assisted outpatient treatment required for persons who are mentally ill.
(Green) - Service animals; misrepresenting an animal as a service animal crime established, and immunity from liability specified for real property owners required to provide access to assistance animals.
(O'Neill) - Sexual assault examination kit procedure established, and notice provided to victims.
Department of Public Safety Bonding Request Department of Corrections Bonding Request
Bills Added:
(Pinto) - Law enforcement and family members enabled to petition a court to prohibit people from possessing firearms if they pose a significant danger to themselves or others by possessing a firearm.
(Pinto) - Firearm transfer criminal background check required, and transfers excepted.