Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
(Swedzinski) - Rental motor vehicles tax dedicated to the Corridors of Commerce program.
(Swedzinski) - Motor vehicle purchases by local governments exemption expanded, and technical changes made.
(Lueck) - Motor vehicle tire and repair and replacement parts sales revenue allocated to the highway user tax distribution fund.
(Howe) - Motor vehicle part sale revenue allocated to the highway user tax distribution fund.
(Koznick) - Motor vehicle lease sales tax revenue allocation modified.
(Green) - Transportation Department purchase exemption provided for road construction projects.
(Davids) - Premium security plan created, legislative working group established, health care provider system access regulated, premium subsidy program provisions modified, funding provided, and money appropriated.
If you have signed up to testify already, we will keep your name on the list.
Bills Added:
(Davids) - Tax reductions for low and middle income families provided; corporate tax loopholes closed; local government unit aid provided; income, property, tobacco, sales and use, special taxes, and other tax provisions modified; and money appropriated.