Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
We will take up amendments and take action on HF861 delete all Omnibus Transportation Finance Bill. If additional time is needed on Thursday beyond our normal committee time ending at 2:45pm we will meet again at 7pm in Room 200 to finish up.
The Committee will take public and committee feedback on the omnibus transportation finance bill HF861 delete all being introduced on Tuesday March 21. Testimony will be limited to 3 minutes per testifier and to be added to the testifier list contact the Committee Legislative Assistant Chelsea Peter at (651) 296-9302 or email her at
Amendments will be due by 5pm on Wednesday for the HF861 delete all transportation finance omnibus bill
NOTE: This bill, HF861, will be amended with a delete all amendment at this hearing by the committee and will become the Omnibus Transportation Finance bill
We will also finish discussion and pass HF678 (Quam) Law enforcement memorial special license plates established. No further public testimony will be taken. This bill received an information hearing on March 16th pending referral of the bill to the committee.
Bills Added:
(Torkelson) - Omnibus transportation finance bill.
Note: HF678 (Quam) Law enforcement memorial special license plates established. This bill was heard on an informational basis in the committee on March 16th and will be taken up again to pass once it is received in the committee either Monday March 20th or Tuesday March 21
Bills Added:
(West) - Secure electronic storage of records permitted.
(Urdahl) - Traffic violations around school buses fines increased.
(Runbeck) - Transit finance and project reporting requirements amended, fare increase required, light rail transit line construction agreements prohibited, and technical changes made.
We will meet at 1pm to 2:45 in the basement hearing room. Any bills not heard by 2:45 pm will be taken up at 5pm Thursday in Room 10. NOTE: Due to deadline week additional bills may be added. If you would like to testify on a bill contact Chelsea Peter, Committee Legislative Assistant at 651-296-9302. The Chair will be determining the order of the bills being heard. Pending referral from other committees we will be hearing: HF 1745 (Koznick) Metro Mobility Enhancement Task Force established, and legislative report required HF2058 (Nash) Procedural exceptions for light rail or bus rapid transit line construction or expansion eliminated, and appraisal fees modified HF2229 (Torkelson) Metropolitan Council and counties authorized to contract for use of railroad or mass transit right-of-way, and civil liability regulated HF678 (Quam) Law enforcement memorial special license plates established. HF1539 (Drazkowski) Deputy registrars authorized to issue duplicate certificates of title for motor vehicles. HF2264 (Jurgens) Hastings; speed limits governed, moratorium established, and legislative report required.
HF1670 will not be heard in Transportation Finance Committee: HF1670 (Zerwas) Driver diversion program made permanent, proof of insurance provided by courts authorized, uniform traffic ticket amended, waiver of criminal surcharge authorized, court appearance for driving offenses mandated, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
(Considine) - Disability plated issuance authorized to owner of motorized bicycle.
(Albright) - Suburb to suburb transit demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Johnson) - Isanti County; Trunk Highway 65 segment designated as Chip A. Imker Memorial Highway.
(Miller) - Corridors of Commerce program eligibility provided.
(Dean) - Freight railroad preservation and improvement grants provided, and money appropriated.
(Howe) - Remaining service life use in pavement management processes required.
(Petersburg) - Outdoor advertising near roads and highways provisions modified.
(Hornstein) - Larger cities assistance account established, and allocation of fees and surcharges modified.
(Haley) - Red Wing; port development assistance program funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Haley) - Red Wing; U.S. Highway 61 reconstruction funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Hertaus) - Hennepin County; trunk highway project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
(Koznick) - Metro Mobility Enhancement Task Force established, and legislative report required.
(Torkelson) - Metropolitan Council and counties authorized to contract for use of railroad or mass transit right-of-way, and civil liability regulated.
(Jurgens) - Hastings; speed limits governed, moratorium established, and legislative report required.
Any bills not heard from the afternoon posted transportation finance committee will be heard starting at 5pm in Room 10 of State Office Building See agenda posted for hearing at 1pm