Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. HF1403 - Lee: Ivory and rhinoceros horn trade prohibited, rulemaking authorized, and criminal penalties provided.***
II. HF1386 - Ecklund: Collector snowmobile registration requirements modified.***
III. HF1882 - Bernardy: Commercial fishing areas restrictions to provide invasive species control modified.
IV. HF2145 - Persell: Fishing license require to take muskellunge.
V. HF2258 - Hansen: Conservation materials use prohibited, and money appropriated.
VI. HF2267 - Hansen: Carpet product stewardship program provided, and report required.
VII. HF2321 - Becker-Finn: Privately-owned big game right to kill purchase of sale prohibited.***
VIII. HF2442 - Swedzinski: Night vision equipment use while hunting coyote or fox allowed.***
*Bills may be added to the agenda and order may change.*
If you wish to testify, please contact Sean Herring at
Bills Added:
(Hansen) - Carpet product stewardship program provided, and report required.
(Hansen) - Conservation materials use prohibited, and money appropriated.
(Persell) - Fishing license required to take muskellunge.
(Bernardy) - Commercial fishing area restrictions to provide invasive species control modified.
(Lee) - Trade in animal parts prohibited.
(Ecklund) - Collector snowmobile registration requirements modified.
(Swedzinski) - Night vision equipment use while hunting coyote or fox allowed.
(Becker-Finn) - Privately-owned big game right to kill purchase of sale prohibited.
I. HF 0359 - Becker-Finn: Flame-retardant chemical use in certain products prohibited. ***Pending referral***
II. HF 2253 - Becker-Finn: Natural resources; training, certification, and fees provided; recreational vehicle operating restrictions modified; invasive species provisions modified; wildland firefighters provided, and game and fish laws modified.
III. HF 1880 - Sanstede: Permanent school fund compensation authority clarified.
IV. HF 1584 - Lee: Small business loan program for environmental improvement modified.
V. HF 1886 - Sandell: Silica sand regulation duties modified.
VI. HF 0122 - Anderson: State land conveyance to a private entity provided.
*Bills may be added to the agenda and order may change.*
If you wish to testify, please contact Sean Herring at
Bills Added:
(Sandstede) - Permanent school fund compensation authority clarified.
(Becker-Finn) - Natural resources; training, certification, and fees provided; recreational vehicle operating restrictions modified; invasive species provisions modified; wildland firefighters provided; and game and fish laws modified.
(Becker-Finn) - Flame-retardant chemical use in certain products prohibited, and exemptions allowed.
(Lee) - Small business loan program for environmental improvement modified.
(Sandell) - Silica sand regulation duties modified.
(Anderson) - State land conveyance to a private entity provided.
I. HF 0569 - Rep. Rob Ecklund: Tax-forfeited land management provisions modified, and private sale of tax-forfeited land authorized.
II. HF 1586 - Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn: State land conveyance requirements modified, land added to and deleted from state parks, and sale of surplus state land authorized.
III. HF 1885 - Rep. Kelly Morrison: Watercraft surcharge increased, and invasive special research account created and receipts dedicated.
IV. HF 1713 - Rep. Kelly Morrison: Threatened and endangered species protections application modified.
V. HF 1509 - Rep. Jeff Brand: Minnesota River site-specific eutrophication standard establishment and implementation funding provided, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
(Ecklund) - Tax-forfeited land management provisions modified, and private sale of tax-forfeited land authorized.
(Morrison) - Watercraft surcharge increased, and invasive species research account created and receipts dedicated.
(Morrison) - Threatened and endangered species protections application modified.
(Becker-Finn) - State land conveyance requirements modified, land added to and deleted from state parks, state land sale authorized, and rustic road access allowed for timber harvesting.
(Brand) - Minnesota River site-specific eutrophication standard establishment and implementation funding provided, and money appropriated.
**The Environment & Natural Resources Policy committee will begin 5 minutes after the Water Division adjourns Wednesday evening.**
I. HF 1706 Rep. Todd Lippert: Soil and water conservation districts duties and services specified.
II. HF 1284 - Rep. John Persell: Soil and water conservation districts funding provided.
III. HF 1292 - Rep. Rick Hansen: Unlawful pesticide application monetary penalties enhanced.
Bills Added:
(Hansen) - Unlawful pesticide application monetary penalties enhanced.
(Persell) - Soil and water conservation district funding provided.
(Lippert) - Soil and water conservation district duties and services specified.
HF 1472 - Claflin: Public waters electronic transmission of certain information provided.
HF 1569 - Lippert: Drinking water protection pilot program established, and money appropriated.
HF 1239 - Wagenius: Health commissioner directed to test for contaminants in surface water used as drinking water, identification and implementation of source water protection strategies required, health commissioner directed to adopt health risk limits for certain substances, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF 1502 - Fischer: Salt applicator certification program established, and liability limited.
Bills Added:
(Sundin) - Spear gun use to take fish allowed, and rulemaking authorized.
(Sundin) - Waste tire facilities financial assurance required.
(Tabke) - Leashed dog use allowed to track big game, artificial light use modified, and criminal penalties provided.
(Claflin) - Public waters electronic transmission of certain information provided.
(Fischer) - Salt applicator certification program established, and liability limited.
(Lippert) - Drinking water protection pilot program established, and money appropriated.
(Wagenius) - Health commissioner directed to test for contaminants in surface water used as drinking water, identification and implementation of source water protection strategies required, health commissioner directed to adopt health risk limits for certain substances, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF 1656 - Persell: State buildings renewable energy provisions modified, outdoor recreation grant provisions modified, game and fish law modified, and beaver and beaver dams causing damage removal provided.
HF973 - Persell: Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizens Board reinstated.
HF 1244 - Hansen: Public drainage system acquisition and compensation of ditch buffer strips accelerated, and runoff and sediment option provided when charging for public drainage ditch repairs.
If you are interested in testifying, please contact Sean Herring at
Bills Added:
(Persell) - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Citizens Board reinstated.
(Hansen) - Public drainage system acquisition and compensation of ditch buffer strips accelerated, and runoff and sediment option provided when charging for public drainage ditch repairs.
(Hansen) - Citizen oversight committees extended.
(Persell) - Outdoor recreation grant provisions modified, game and fish law modified, beaver and beaver dams causing damage removal provided, insecticides in wildlife management areas banned, and rulemaking required.