Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF3068 (Dehn) A bill for an act relating to elections; regulating access to certain lists of voter data related to the presidential nomination primary; allowing voters to request that their data be excluded from the lists.
The following bills were heard and debated on the merits during the 2019 legislative session. Public testimony will not be taken and only technical amendments may be offered. The subcommittee will be voting to refer the bills back to Government Operations. --HF673 (Lucero) Payment for security services added to allowable non-campaign disbursements list. --HF1152 (Freiberg) County auditors authorized to transmit ballots electronically to persons with disabilities. --HF1372 (Long) Voters allowed to join permanent absentee voter list, and absentee ballots required to automatically be sent to permanent absentee voter list before election. --HF1818 (Bernardy) Absentee ballot voting; additional polling place locations opening for fewer than 46 days authorized. --HF2050 (Bahner) Campaign finance; expressly advocating definition modified, electioneering communications disclosure provided, prorating contribution methods or general treasury money use amended, and penalties provided.
Informational discussion HF983 (Elkins) Elections; ranked-choice voting adoption by jurisdictions authorized; adoption, implementation, and use of ranked-choice voting procedures established; electronic voting systems with reallocation feature use by municipalities allowed; and rulemaking authorized.
Bills Added:
(Lucero) - Security service payments added to list of allowable non-campaign disbursements.
(Freiberg) - County auditors authorized to transmit ballots electronically to persons with disabilities.
(Long) - Voters allowed to join permanent absentee voter list, and absentee ballots required to automatically be sent to voters on permanent absentee list before election.
(Bernardy) - Absentee ballot voting; additional polling place locations opening for fewer than 46 days authorized.
(Bahner) - Campaign finance; expressly advocating definition modified, electioneering communications disclosure provided, prorating contribution methods or general treasury money use amended, and penalties provided.
(Dehn) - Voter data access related to presidential nomination primary regulated, and voters allowed to request that their data be excluded from the lists.
(Elkins) - Elections; ranked-choice voting adoption by jurisdictions authorized; adoption, implementation, and use of ranked-choice voting procedures established; electronic voting systems with reallocation feature use by municipalities allowed; and rulemaking authorized.
(Elkins) - Elections; ranked-choice voting adoption by jurisdictions authorized; adoption, implementation, and use of ranked-choice voting procedures established; electronic voting systems with reallocation feature use by municipalities allowed; and rulemaking authorized.
Informational hearing at Austin City Hall on the Census and redistricting.
--Matt Gehring, House Research --Sam Fettig, Chicago Regional Census Center; United States Census Bureau; Emmett Morris, Minnesota Partnership Coordinator; Andrew Virden, Director of Census Operations and Engagement, Minnesota Department of Administration --Susan Brower, State Demographer, Minnesota State Demographic Center, Department of Administration --Public testimony
PLEASE NOTE: Testimony will be limited. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please contact Amanda Rudolph at
HF1855 (Schultz) Redistricting commission adoption of congressional and legislative district boundaries following federal census established, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1603 (Dehn) Mail balloting authorized in any town or city with fewer than 400 registered voters. H1603DE1
PLEASE NOTE: Testimony will be limited. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please contact Amanda Rudolph at
Bills Added:
(Dehn) - Election and campaign finance; automatic voter registration and early voting provided, voting rights of persons with felony convictions restored, automatic absentee ballot delivery and ranked-choice voting authorized, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact adopted, campaign finance reporting requirements modified, expressly advocating definition modified, reporting of electioneering communications required, redistricting commission established, and money appropriated.
(Schultz) - Redistricting commission established to prescribe the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts following each federal decennial census, districting principles established for congressional and legislative plans, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF1500 (Winkler) Noncompliant driver's license or identification card requirements modified and related changes made, including eligibility, proof of lawful presence, primary and secondary documentation, discrimination, voter registration, and data practices; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
HF1603 (Dehn) Mail balloting authorized in any town or city with fewer than 400 registered voters.
HF1941 (Lesch) Elections; Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote enacted.
HF1371 (Long) Early voting provided, and money appropriated.
HF1818 (Bernardy) Absentee ballot voting; additional polling place locations opening for fewer than 46 days authorized.
HF2050 (Bahner) Campaign finance; expressly advocating definition modified, electioneering communications disclosure provided, prorating contribution methods or general treasury money use amended, and penalties provided.
HF1994 (Freiberg) Hennepin County campaign disclosure provisions modified.
*The order of the bills may change. Bills may be added or removed from the agenda. Bills may be carried over from Thursday.
Bills Added:
(Dehn) - Election and campaign finance; automatic voter registration and early voting provided, voting rights of persons with felony convictions restored, automatic absentee ballot delivery and ranked-choice voting authorized, National Popular Vote Interstate Compact adopted, campaign finance reporting requirements modified, expressly advocating definition modified, reporting of electioneering communications required, redistricting commission established, and money appropriated.
(Long) - Early voting provided, and money appropriated.
(Lesch) - Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote enacted.
(Bernardy) - Absentee ballot voting; additional polling place locations opening for fewer than 46 days authorized.
(Bahner) - Campaign finance; expressly advocating definition modified, electioneering communications disclosure provided, prorating contribution methods or general treasury money use amended, and penalties provided.
(Freiberg) - Hennepin County; provisions modified applying to the financing of campaigns for elections and for certain political subdivisions.
(Lee) - Fair campaign practice provisions changed.
(Winkler) - Noncompliant driver's license or Minnesota identification card requirements modified and related changes made, including eligibility, proof of lawful presence, primary and secondary documentation, voter registration, and data practices; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
HF1372 (Long) Voters allowed to join permanent absentee voters list, and absentee ballots required to automatically be sent to permanent absentee voter list before election.
HF1153 (Halverson) Presidential nomination primary allowed to be conducted by mail, access to voter party designation restricted, and the use of a single ballot in the presidential nomination primary required, and additional reimbursements to counties for conducting the presidential nomination primary authorized.
HF1605 (Klevorn) Legislative and congressional district boundaries commission appointment required, legislative and congressional plan districting principles established, Legislative Coordinating Commission duties assigned, and secretary of state duties assigned.
HF1018 (Schultz) Redistricting; commission to recommend legislative and congressional district boundaries appointment provided, legislative and congressional districting principles established, and Legislative Coordinating Commission duties assigned.
HF1855 (Schultz) Redistricting commission adoption of congressional and legislative district boundaries following federal census established, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF980 (Gomez) Individuals under the age of 18 authorized to vote at a primary election in certain circumstances.
PLEASE NOTE: Testimony will be limited. Please plan accordingly.
If you would like to testify, please email Amanda Rudolph at
Bills Added:
(Long) - Voters allowed to join permanent absentee voter list, and absentee ballots required to automatically be sent to voters on permanent absentee list before election.
(Halverson) - Presidential nomination primary allowed to be conducted by mail, access to voter party designation restricted, use of a single ballot in the presidential nomination primary required, and additional reimbursements to counties for conducting the presidential nomination primary authorized.
(Klevorn) - Legislative and congressional district boundaries commission appointment required, legislative and congressional plan districting principles established, Legislative Coordinating Commission duties assigned, and secretary of state duties assigned.
(Schultz) - Redistricting commission appointment provided to recommend the boundaries of legislative and congressional districts, legislative and congressional districting principles established, and Legislative Coordinating Commission duties assigned.
(Gomez) - Individuals under the age of 18 authorized to vote at a primary election in certain circumstances.
(Schultz) - Redistricting commission established to prescribe the boundaries of congressional and legislative districts following each federal decennial census, districting principles established for congressional and legislative plans, and constitutional amendment proposed.