Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF273 (Schultz) - MinnesotaCare; definition of affordability modified for families with access to employer-subsidized insurance for purposes of eligibility. HF3 (Liebling) - OneCare Buy-In program establishment.
Bills Added:
(Schultz) - MinnesotaCare; definition of affordability modified for families with access to employer-subsidized insurance for purposes of eligibility.
(Liebling) - OneCare Buy-In through MNsure website established, outpatient prescription drug program established, dental administration governing provisions modified, health care governing provisions modified, and studies and reports required.
HF766 (Edelson) - Medical cannabis requirements modified, and money appropriated. HF717 (Mariani) - Cannabis task force created, and report required. HF342 (Moran) - African American Family Preservation Act. (Committee discussion and bill mark-up ONLY) HF1239 (Wagenius) - Health commissioner directed to test for contaminants in surface water used as drinking water, identification and implementation of source water protection strategies required.
If you wish to testify on any of these bills, please contact Committee Administrator Chris McCall ( by 5:00pm on Monday, March 4. Testifiers should reference the bill for which they wish to testify and if they will be testifying for or against. Testimony may be limited due to time constraints at the discretion of the Chair.
Handouts and written testimony should be submitted electronically to Committee Legislative Assistant Alyssa Fritz ( by the same deadline, or with 100 hard copies delivered to her desk outside Room 574 in the State Office Building by noon on the day of the hearing.
Bills Added:
(Edelson) - Medical cannabis and industrial hemp requirements modified, and money appropriated.
(Mariani) - Cannabis task force created, report required, and money appropriated.
(Moran) - Minnesota African American Family Preservation and Child Welfare Disproportionality Act established, African American and Disproportionality Child Welfare Oversight Council created, report required, and money appropriated.
(Wagenius) - Health commissioner directed to test for contaminants in surface water used as drinking water, identification and implementation of source water protection strategies required, health commissioner directed to adopt health risk limits for certain substances, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF815 (Acomb) - Step therapy override procedures applied to state public health care programs. HF929 (Richardson) - Commissioner of human services directed to seek brain injury waiver amendment, and traumatic brain injury definition for the state traumatic brain injury program modified. HF926 (Bernardy) - Medical assistance coverage for weight loss drugs and pharmaceutical ingredients allowed. HF840 (Lien) - Medical assistance adult dental coverage expanded to include periodontal disease nonsurgical treatment. HF1250 (Bierman) - Certified community behavioral health clinics governing provisions changed. HF819 (Edelson) - Cardiovascular technologist x-ray practice authorized. HF910 (Edelson) - Newborn hearing screening advisory committee expiration date extended. HF814 (Edelson) - School-linked mental health grants modified, report required, and money appropriated. HF742 (Morrison) - Children's and parent's mental health provisions modified, and money appropriated. HF637 (Morrison) - Health-related professions temporary license suspensions and background checks modified. HF909 (Morrison) - Prenatal care service programs and funding governed, and money appropriated. HF473 (Liebling) - Incontinence products and related supplies volume purchasing use prohibited, and preferred incontinence program for medical assistance repealed
Bills Added:
(Acomb) - Step therapy override procedures applied to state public health care programs.
(Bernardy) - Medical assistance coverage allowed for weight loss drugs and pharmaceutical ingredients.
(Richardson) - Commissioner of human services directed to seek brain injury waiver amendment, and traumatic brain injury definition for the state traumatic brain injury program modified.
(Edelson) - Cardiovascular technologist x-ray practice authorized.
(Lien) - Medical assistance adult dental coverage expanded to include periodontal disease nonsurgical treatment.
(Edelson) - School-linked mental health grants modified, report required, and money appropriated.
(Edelson) - Newborn hearing screening advisory committee expiration date extended.
(Bierman) - Certified community behavioral health clinic governing provisions changed.
(Morrison) - Children's and parent's mental health provisions modified, and money appropriated.
(Morrison) - Health-related professions temporary license suspensions and background checks modified.
(Liebling) - Preferred incontinence program for medical assistance repealed.
(Morrison) - Prenatal care service programs and funding governed, and money appropriated.
**HF342 will be an informational hearing with no formal action taken on the bill**
Presentation: Overview of child welfare policy, data, and outcomes David Sanders, PH.D., Executive Vice President for Systems Improvement, Casey Family Programs
Presentation: Data findings on African American children in Minnesota's child protection system Jamie Sorenson and Nikki Kovan, Department of Human Services
-HF499 (Kresha) Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rule making authorized, and money appropriated.
-HF554 (Moran): Allowing parents to petition directly for restored custody; expunged records no longer allowed to be disqualifying factors on background studies
-HF1050 (Moran): Child foster care governing provisions modified
-HF342 (Moran): African American Family Preservation Act
**Bills Removed** -HF563 (Moran): Heaven’s Law
Bills Added:
(Kresha) - Child Welfare Training System modification required, report required, rule making authorized, and money appropriated.
(Moran) - Parent permitted to petition for reestablishment of the legal parent and child relationship.
(Moran) - Child foster care and background studies governing provisions modified.
(Moran) - Minnesota African American Family Preservation and Child Welfare Disproportionality Act established, African American and Disproportionality Child Welfare Oversight Council created, report required, and money appropriated.
HF733 (Tabke) – Security screening systems added to ionizing radiation-producing equipment, and money appropriated
HF85 (Brand) – Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board required to propose guidelines authorizing patient-assisted medication administration
HF831 (Halverson) – Health records released without patient consent circumstances modified
HF728 (Mann) – Pharmacy benefit managers licensure and regulations created, and rulemaking authorized
Testifiers should contact Owen Wirth ( and Alyssa Fritz ( to be added to the agenda and submit handout materials.
Bills Added:
(Tabke) - Security screening systems added to ionizing radiation-producing equipment, and money appropriated.
(Brand) - Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board authorized to propose guidelines authorizing patient-assisted medication administration in emergencies.
(Halverson) - Health records released without patient consent circumstances modified.
(Mann) - Pharmacy benefit managers licensure and regulations created, and rulemaking authorized.