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Audio/Video Archives - 2019-2020 Regular Session

Property and Local Tax Division

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 23
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Property and Local Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 1104 (Lien) Border city enterprise zone permanent tax reduction authority provided
II. HF 1458 (Sandstede) Local government aid; city aid formula sparsity factor modified
III. HF 1599 (Sandstede) Floodwood local government aid increased, and local government aid appropriation increased
IV. HF 969 (Murphy) Local government aid adjustments provided
V. HF 1131 (Kiel) Local government aid formula amended
VI. HF 949 (Hansen) Lilydale; local government aid onetime adjustment provided
VII. HF 461 (Hansen) West St. Paul; local government aid for onetime and temporary payment increase
VIII. HF 2031 (Hertaus) Local government aid; city aid program modified
IX. HF 1213 (Marquart) Mahnomen County onetime grants funding provided, and money appropriated
X. HF 416 (Poppe) Austin state aid; penalty forgiveness provided
XI. HF 904 (Kresha) Flensburg; 2017 city aid penalty forgiveness provided, and money appropriated

The order that bills are heard in is subject to change
Bills Added:
HF1104 (Lien) - Border city enterprise zone permanent tax reduction authority provided.
HF1458 (Sandstede) - Local government aid; city aid formula sparsity factor modified.
HF1599 (Sandstede) - Floodwood; local government aid increased, and local government aid appropriation increased.
HF969 (Murphy) - Local government aid adjustments provided.
HF1131 (Kiel) - Local government aid formula amended.
HF949 (Hansen) - Lilydale; local government aid onetime adjustment provided.
HF461 (Hansen) - West St. Paul; local government aid for onetime and temporary payment increase provided.
HF2031 (Hertaus) - Local government aid; city aid program modified.
HF1213 (Marquart) - Mahnomen County; onetime grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF416 (Poppe) - Austin; state aid penalty forgiveness provided.
HF904 (Kresha) - Flensburg; 2017 city aid penalty forgiveness provided, and money appropriated.

Property and Local Tax Division

I. Governor's Budget Recommendations (Informational)
II. Non Partisan Staff Presentation of LGA & CPA runs
III. HF 1163 (Marquart) Aid appropriations to cities and counties increased
IV. HF 1434 (Vang) Local government aid; city aid appropriation increased
V. HF 1102 (Lislegard) Local government aid city formula modified, and appropriation increased
VI. HF 1101 (Brand) Local government aid city formula modified, and appropriation increased
VII. HF 807 (Persell) State payment to counties with Indian gaming casinos modified
VIII. HF 2031 (Hertaus) Local government aid; city aid program modified
IX.. HF 1213 (Marquart) Mahnomen County onetime grants funding provided, and money appropriated
X. HF 1104 (Lien) Border city enterprise zone permanent tax reduction authority provided
XI. HF 1458 (Sandstede) Local government aid; city aid formula sparsity factor modified
XII. HF 1599 (Sandstede) Floodwood local government aid increased, and local government aid appropriation increased
XIII. HF 969 (Murphy) Local government aid adjustments provided
XIV. HF 1131 (Kiel) Local government aid formula amended
XV. HF 949 (Hansen) Lilydale; local government aid onetime adjustment provided
XVI. HF 461 (Hansen) West St. Paul; local government aid for onetime and temporary payment increase
XVII. HF 416 (Poppe) Austin state aid; penalty forgiveness provided
XVIII. HF 904 (Kresha) Flensburg; 2017 city aid penalty forgiveness provided, and money appropriated
Bills Added:
HF1163 (Marquart) - Aid appropriations to cities and counties increased.
HF1434 (Vang) - Local government aid; city aid appropriation increased.
HF1101 (Brand) - Local government aid city formula modified, and appropriation increased.
HF1102 (Lislegard) - Local government aid city formula modified, and appropriation increased.
HF807 (Persell) - State payment to counties with Indian gaming casinos modified.
HF1213 (Marquart) - Mahnomen County; onetime grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1104 (Lien) - Border city enterprise zone permanent tax reduction authority provided.
HF1458 (Sandstede) - Local government aid; city aid formula sparsity factor modified.
HF1599 (Sandstede) - Floodwood; local government aid increased, and local government aid appropriation increased.
HF969 (Murphy) - Local government aid adjustments provided.
HF949 (Hansen) - Lilydale; local government aid onetime adjustment provided.
HF461 (Hansen) - West St. Paul; local government aid for onetime and temporary payment increase provided.
HF1131 (Kiel) - Local government aid formula amended.
HF416 (Poppe) - Austin; state aid penalty forgiveness provided.
HF904 (Kresha) - Flensburg; 2017 city aid penalty forgiveness provided, and money appropriated.
HF2031 (Hertaus) - Local government aid; city aid program modified.

Property and Local Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 1483 (Nelson) Cambridge authorized to impose local sales and use tax for specified projects
II. HF 1456 (Sundin) Scanlon authorized to impose local option sales and use tax
III. HF 1498 (Anderson) Glenwood authorized to impose local sales and use tax for specified projects
IV. HF 1485 (Hamilton) Worthington authorized to impose local sales and use tax and excise tax for specified projects
V. HF 655 (Cantrell) Burnsville tax increment financing districts authorized
VI. HF 176 (Stephenson) Champlin; tax increment financing authority modified
VII. HF 220 (A Carlson) Bloomington; special Tax Increment Financing authority modified for the Central Station district
VIII. HF 1427 (Baker) Willmar authorized to impose local sale and use tax and excise tax for projects
Bills Added:
HF1483 (Nelson) - Cambridge; local sales and use tax authorized for specified projects.
HF1456 (Sundin) - Scanlon; local option sales and use tax authorized.
HF1498 (Anderson) - Glenwood; local sales and use tax authorized for specified projects.
HF1485 (Hamilton) - Worthington; local sales and use and excise taxes authorized for specified projects.
HF655 (Cantrell) - Burnsville; tax increment financing districts authorized.
HF176 (Stephenson) - Champlin; tax increment financing authority modified.
HF220 (Carlson) - Bloomington; special tax increment financing authority modified for the Central Station district.
HF1427 (Baker) - Willmar; local sales and use and excise taxes authorized for specified projects.
H1485A1.pdf (3/4/2019)
I. HF 164 (Olson) Duluth; tax increment financing districts authorized
II. HF 1766 (Gunther) Blue Earth local sales and use tax authorized, and bonds issued
III. HF 1436 (Murphy) Two Harbors' local option sales tax authority modified, and additional tax authorized and additional projects specified
IV. HF 1550 (Becker-Finn) Roseville; expenditure of hazardous substance subdistrict tax increment amount of time extended.
V. HF 1193 (Elkins) Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area special TIF authority modified
VI. HF 671 (Lee) Minneapolis special tax financing rules use for a redevelopment project authorized
Bills Added:
HF164 (Olson) - Duluth; tax increment financing districts authorized.
HF1436 (Murphy) - Two Harbors; local option sales tax authority modified, and additional tax authorized and additional projects specified.
HF1550 (Becker-Finn) - Roseville; expenditure of hazardous substance subdistrict tax increment amount of time expanded.
HF1193 (Elkins) - Southeast Edina Redevelopment Project Area special TIF authority modified.
HF671 (Lee) - Minneapolis; special tax financing rules use for a redevelopment project authorized.
HF1766 (Gunther) - Blue Earth; local sales and use tax authorized, and bonds issued.

Property and Local Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 667 (Lislegard) Virgina authorized to impose local sales and use tax for specified projects
II. HF 1271 (Marquart) Detroit Lakes authorized to impose local sales and use tax for certain projects
III. HF 1218 (Lesch) St. Paul local lodging tax rate increased
IV. HF 877 (Klevorn) Plymouth local lodging tax authorized
V. HF 933 (Davids) La Crescent authorized to impose additional two percent lodging tax
VI. HF 388 (Nornes) Perham; local sales and use tax authorized
VII. HF 355 (Demuth) Avon; local sales and use tax imposition authorized
VIII. HF 392 (Anderson) Sauk Cente; local sales and use tax authorized
Bills Added:
HF392 (Anderson) - Sauk Centre; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF355 (Demuth) - Avon; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF388 (Nornes) - Perham; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF667 (Lislegard) - Virginia; local sales and use tax authorized for specified projects.
HF877 (Klevorn) - Plymouth; local lodging tax authorized.
HF933 (Davids) - La Crescent; additional two percent lodging tax authorized.
HF1218 (Lesch) - St. Paul; local lodging tax rate increased.
HF1271 (Marquart) - Detroit Lakes; local sales and use tax authorized for certain projects.
I. HF 651 (Hansen) West St. Paul local option sales tax authorized
II. HF 183 (Schultz) Duluth; sales and use tax authority modified.
III. HF 364 (Sundin) Cloquet; local sales tax revenue use authority modified
IV. HF 144 (Ecklund) International Falls; local sales and use tax authorized for transportation and other public infrastructure projects
V. HF 867 (Zerwas) Elk River authorized to impose local sales and use tax for specified projects
VI. HF 1217 (Brand) North Mankato allowed to impose local food and beverage tax
VII. HF 1130 (Morrison) Excelsior authorized to impose local sales and use tax
VIII. HF 1318 (Murphy) Lake County authorized to impose lodging tax, and Two Harbors lodging tax authority modified
IX. HF 574 (Loeffler) Minneapolis; local special taxes limitation removed

Note that this hearing is in Room 10, not Room 5.
Bills Added:
HF651 (Hansen) - West St. Paul; local option sales tax authorized.
HF183 (Schultz) - Duluth; sales and use tax authority modified.
HF364 (Sundin) - Cloquet; local sales tax revenue use authority modified.
HF144 (Ecklund) - International Falls; local sales and use tax authorized for transportation and other public infrastructure projects.
HF867 (Zerwas) - Elk River; local sales and use tax authorized for specified projects.
HF1217 (Brand) - North Mankato; local food and beverage tax authorized.
HF1130 (Morrison) - Excelsior; local sales and use tax authorized.
HF1318 (Murphy) - Lake County; lodging tax authorized, and Two Harbors lodging tax authority modified.
HF574 (Loeffler) - Minneapolis; local special taxes limitation removed.
H1318A2_1.pdf (2/22/2019)
H0574A1.pdf (2/22/2019)
H0183A1_1.pdf (2/22/2019)
Feb 25 Evening Agenda.docx (2/25/2019)
H0651A2.pdf (2/25/2019)
H0867A2.pdf (2/25/2019)

Property and Local Tax Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. HF 324 (Lislegard) Guaranteed distribution formula for taconite municipal aid account modified, and municipal aid account allocation to inflation indexed

Informational Hearing
II. HF 424 (Sundin) State required to pay costs of property tax judgement against state-assessed property, and money appropriated
Bills Added:
HF324 (Lislegard) - Taconite; guaranteed distribution formula for taconite municipal aid account modified, and municipal aid account allocation to inflation indexed.
HF424 (Sundin) - State required to pay costs of property tax judgement against state-assessed property, and money appropriated.
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