Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
A delete everything amendment and spreadsheet to HF 2529 (Murphy) will be posted on Monday, April 8. HF 2529 will be the Omnibus Capital Investment bill.
The Capital Investment division will start the walk through of the DE amendment at 7:45 am - 8:45 am on Tuesday, April 9. The division will recess at 8:45 am and reconvene at 5:00 pm, or 30 minutes after session whichever is later, to finish the walk through, if needed, and to take public testimony. To sign up to testify please email: by 3pm on April 9. Each testifier will be limited to two minutes.
Amendments to HF 2529 (Murphy) DE amendment are due by 10 am on Wednesday, April 10.
Consideration of amendments and the final vote on HF 2529 as amended will occur on Thursday, April 11, or if needed, on Friday, April 12.
Bills Added:
(Murphy) - Omnibus capital investment bill.