Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Walk through of the Early Childhood Finance and Policy Division Report & the Education Finance Omnibus bill:
HF 2400 (Davnie) School district abatement aid calculation modified.
Amendments to the Education Finance Omnibus DE amendment are due on Tuesday, April 2 at 5 pm.
Public testimony will begin after the walk through of HF 2400's DE amendment and will conclude in the following meeting should it not be completed today.
*Public testimony is limited to 2 minutes - please email to reserve a spot on the public testimony list.*
HF 1979 (Marquart) Lakes Country Service Cooperative federal instructional level 4 program grant authorized, and money appropriated.
HF 1980 (Marquart) Long-term facilities maintenance revenue and capital levies allowed use clarified, and school districts that are cooperative unit members lease levy authority increased.
HF 1204 (Pryor) School sexual harassment and sex discrimination laws compliance required, training required, and money appropriated.
HF 1749 (Urdahl) Civics education program grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 2695 (Claflin) Career and technical revenue increased, and money appropriated.
More bills may be added to the agenda and the agenda order may change.
Bills Added:
(Marquart) - Lakes Country Service Cooperative federal instructional level 4 program grant authorized, and money appropriated.
(Marquart) - Long-term facilities maintenance revenue and capital levies allowed use clarified, and school districts that are cooperative unit members lease levy authority increased.
(Pryor) - School sexual harassment and sex discrimination laws compliance required, training required, and money appropriated.
(Urdahl) - Civics education program grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Claflin) - Career and technical revenue increased, and money appropriated.
HF 2259 (Backer) Independent School District No. 846, Breckenridge; postsecondary enrollment options with higher education institution agreement allowed.
HF 2046 (Pryor) Independent School District No. 270, Hopkins; International Spanish Language Academy program combining authorized, and levy authorized.
HF 1052 (Noor) Students with interrupted formal education participation in early middle college program for one additional year made permanent.
HF 2039 (Moran) Trauma-informed school incentive aid funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 1056 (Moran) Education partnership program modified, future grant priority established, and money appropriated.
HF 1807 (Sandstede) Independent School Districts Nos. 696 in Ely, 2142 in St. Louis County, 2711 in Mesabi East, 712 in Mountain Iron-Buhl, 695 in Chisholm, and 701 in Hibbing; collaborative summer intensive program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 845 (Lislegard) Geographically isolated school districts building lease levy modified.
More bills may be added to the agenda and the order of the agenda may change.
Bills Added:
(Pryor) - Independent School District No. 270, Hopkins; International Spanish Language Academy program combining authorized, and levy authorized.
(Noor) - Students with interrupted formal education participation in early middle college program for one additional year made permanent.
(Moran) - Trauma-informed school incentive aid funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Moran) - Education partnership program modified, future grant priority established, and money appropriated.
(Sandstede) - Independent School District Nos. 696, Ely; 2142, St. Louis County; 2711, Mesabi East; 712, Mountain Iron-Buhl; 695, Chisholm; and 701, Hibbing; collaborative summer intensive program funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Lislegard) - Geographically isolated school district building lease levy modified.
(Backer) - Independent School District No. 846, Breckenridge; postsecondary enrollment options agreement allowed.
HF 1838 (Sandell) School administrator licensure fee modified, special revenue fund administrator licensure account created, and money appropriated.
HF 366 (Kresha) Certification incentive revenue continued through the end of fiscal year 2019.
HF 1735 (Davnie) Postsecondary enrollment; options deadline for making information available to students modified, online course requirements modified, enrolled pupils' transportation aid calculation modified, and money appropriated.
HF 618 (Runbeck) School district equalized referendum levies calculation modified.
More bills may be added to the agenda and the agenda order may change.
Bills Added:
(Sandell) - School administrator licensure fee modified, special revenue fund administrator licensure account created, and money appropriated.
(Kresha) - Certification incentive revenue continued through the end of fiscal year 2019.
(Davnie) - Postsecondary enrollment; option deadline for making information available to students modified, online course requirements modified, enrolled pupils' transportation aid calculation modified, and money appropriated.
(Runbeck) - School district equalized referendum levies calculation modified.
(Nornes) - Statewide concurrent enrollment teacher training partnership appropriation extended.
HF 882 (Sandstede) General education basic formula allowance increased by three percentage points per year, general education basic formula allowance future increases linked to rate of inflation, and money appropriated.
HF 1190 (Sandell) Concurrent enrollment program fully funded, and money appropriated.
HF 1969 (Erickson) Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education (STEM) grant program created, report required, and money appropriated.
HF 2110 (Lien) Long-term facilities revenue maximum amount modified for school districts with adjusted square footage.
HF 2325 (Lee) Adult basic education aid calculation modified, and money appropriated.
More bills may be added to the agenda and the order of the agenda may change.
Bills Added:
(Sandstede) - General education basic formula allowance increased by three percentage points per year, general education basic formula allowance future increases linked to rate of inflation, and money appropriated.
(Sandell) - Concurrent enrollment program fully funded, and money appropriated.
(Erickson) - Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) grant program created, report required, and money appropriated.
(Lien) - Long-term facilities revenue maximum amount modified for school districts with adjusted square footage.
(Lee) - Adult basic education aid calculation modified, and money appropriated.
HF 824 (Kunesh-Podein) Increase Teachers of Color Act funding provided, seeking to double American Indian teacher and teachers of color, reports required, and money appropriated. (see amendment)
HF 2195 (Pryor) Early care and education program requirements governed including quality rating and improvement system, implementation outreach, universal identified requirements, and data practices evaluation; early care and education coordination task force established; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
HF 566 (Wazlawik) School safety assessment teams required, and money appropriated.
HF 16 (Urdahl) Small school revenue calculation modified.
HF 1148 (Christensen) Energy conservation revolving loan fund established in schools, and money appropriated.
More bills may be added to the agenda and the order of the agenda may change.
Bills Added:
(Kunesh-Podein) - Increase Teachers of Color Act funding provided, seeking to double American Indian teacher and teachers of color, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Urdahl) - Small school revenue calculation modified.
(Christensen) - Energy conservation in schools revolving loan fund established, and money appropriated.
(Wazlawik) - School safety assessment teams required, and money appropriated.
(Pryor) - Early care and education program requirements governed including quality rating and improvement system, implementation outreach, universal identified requirements, and data practices evaluation; early care and education coordination task force established; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
HF 1711 (Youakim) Ed Policy Omnibus walk through with House Research. Public testimony and amendments will be offered at a later date during the markup. (40 mins)
HF 2401 (Davnie) General education aid modified.
HF 1133 (Acomb) Solar energy systems installation on school buildings by school districts grant program established, account and a reserve account created, and money appropriated.
HF 692 (Poppe) Pupils enrolled in career and technical education courses extended time use expanded.
HF 73 (Gunther) Pupils enrolled in career and technical education courses extended time use expanded.
HF 246 (Bennett) Vocational enrichment program established, and money appropriated.
More bills may be added to the agenda.
Bills Added:
(Poppe) - Pupils enrolled in career and technical education courses extended time use expanded.
(Gunther) - Pupils enrolled in career and technical education courses extended time use expanded.
(Bennett) - Vocational enrichment program established, and money appropriated.
(Davnie) - General education aid modified.
(Acomb) - Solar energy systems installation on school buildings by school districts grant program established, account and reserve account created, and money appropriated.
HF 2531 (Sandell) Minnesota Council on Economic Education grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
(Kunesh-Podein) - Girl Scouts River Valleys ConnectZ program grant funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
(Marquart) - Minnesota Youth Council grants made, and money appropriated.
(Fischer) - Race 2 Reduce water conservation programming in schools grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Huot) - Minnesota Principals Academy grant provided, and money appropriated.
(Murphy) - Minnesota Center for the Book programming funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Carlson) - Bloomington Works Museum grant authorized, and money appropriated.
(Layman) - Grand Rapids Children's Discovery Museum funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Kunesh-Podein) - Teacher preparation funding directed, report required, and money appropriated.
(Sandell) - Minnesota Council on Economic Education grant funding provided, and money appropriated.