Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Governor's budget items from MPCA HF 1022 (Long) Utility's solar energy incentive program amended HF 1191 (Wagenius) Public Utilities Commission directed to develop and approve public utilities energy conservation financial incentive.
Bills Added:
(Long) - Utility's solar energy incentive program amended.
HF 1165 (Claflin) Energy Storage Systems HF 1360 (Long) Modifying Commericial PACE Loan Program
If you wish to testify, please contact Mike Molzahn at
Bills Added:
(Claflin) - Utility cost recovery of energy storage system pilot project criteria established, investor-owned utilities required to include energy storage system assessment in integrated resource plans, energy storage system cost-benefit analysis required, report required, and money appropriated.
(Long) - Commercial PACE loan program modified.
HF1133 (Acomb) Solar energy systems installation on school buildings by school districts grant program established, account and a reserve account created, and money appropriated. HF1148 (Christensen) Energy conservation revolving loan fund established in schools, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
(Acomb) - Solar energy systems installation on school buildings by school districts grant program established, account and reserve account created, and money appropriated.
(Christensen) - Energy conservation in schools revolving loan fund established, and money appropriated.
Ellen Anderson, Executive Director, Energy Transition Lab Brian Burandt, Vice President, Connexus Energy Beth Soholt, Executive Director, Clean Grid Alliance Dan Foley CEO, Founder, GlidePath Power Dr. Cecilia Martinez, Executive Director, Center for Earth, Energy and Democracy Jamez Staples, President, Renewable Energy Partners Dr. Rolf T. Weberg, Executive Director NRRI, UMN-Duluth Dr. George Hudak, NRRI