Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Preparing for a Potential Coronavirus (COVID-19) Response Jan Malcolm, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Health Rahul Koranne, MD, President & CEO, Minnesota Hospital Association
HF3980 (Liebling) A bill for an act relating to public health; transferring money for deposit in the public health response contingency account.
HF331 (Edelson) Tobacco; charter schools added to prohibition of tobacco in schools, tobacco sale age increased, administrative penalties increased, municipal license of tobacco provision added, and alternative penalties allowed. HF1058 (Halverson) Litigation proceeds required to be appropriated to commissioner of health and used for tobacco use prevention activities, and money appropriated. HF1535 (Morrison) Enhanced asthma care services benefit for medical assistance established, and medical assistance coverage of asthma trigger reduction products provided. *HF1 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities for children ages birth to three created; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated. (BILL ADDED. Bill was heard on 2/26 and further testimony will not be taken on the bill.)
Three of the bills (HF331, HF1058, HF1535) were previously heard during the 2019 session and will have an abbreviated presentation. Testimony will be limited to two minutes.
Bills Added:
(Edelson) - Tobacco; charter schools added to prohibition of tobacco in schools, tobacco sale age increased, administrative penalties increased, municipal license of tobacco provision added, and alternative penalties allowed.
(Halverson) - Litigation proceeds required to be appropriated to commissioner of health and used for tobacco use prevention activities, and money appropriated.
(Morrison) - Enhanced asthma care services benefit for medical assistance established, and medical assistance coverage of asthma trigger reduction products provided.
(Kotyza-Witthuhn) - Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities created for children ages birth to three; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.
Attorney General's Advisory Task Force on Lowering Pharmaceutical Drug Prices Recommendations: Dr. Stephen Schondelmeyer, Advisory Task Force Member HF1246 (Morrison) Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, and report required. HF4 (Lesch) Drug manufacturer or distributor prohibited from charging unconscionable prices for prescription drugs; Board of Pharmacy, commissioner of human services, and health plan companies required to notify the attorney general of certain prescription drug price increases; attorney general authorized to take action against drug manufacturers and wholesalers related to price increases; and civil penalties imposed. HF1257 (Cantrell) Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
Bills Added:
(Morrison) - Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act established, drug manufacturers required to submit drug price information to the commissioner of health, civil penalties provided, and report required.
(Lesch) - Drug manufacturer or wholesale distributor prohibited from charging unconscionable prices for prescription drugs; Board of Pharmacy, commissioner of human services, and health plan companies required to notify the attorney general of certain prescription drug price increases; attorney general authorized to take action against drug manufacturers and wholesalers related to price increases; civil penalties imposed; and money appropriated.
(Cantrell) - Prescription drug benefit transparency and disclosure required.
HF1 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities for children ages birth to three created; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
(Kotyza-Witthuhn) - Early childhood; additional funding and opportunities created for children ages birth to three; programs and funding for prenatal care services, home visiting, early childhood education, and child care assistance governed; and money appropriated.