Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. HF2544 (Bernardy) - Higher Education Omnibus Bill: Amendments & Final Vote
A delete everything amendment will be posted on Thursday, April 4. Walk through of the amendment and public testimony will be occur on Monday, April 8. Amendments to the DE are due 10:00 AM on Tuesday, April 9. Consideration of amendments and the final vote on HF 2544 as amended will occur on Tuesday, April 9.
If you want to testify, please sign up ahead of time by emailing the committee administrator at Depending on the number of people, testimony may be limited to 2 minutes each.
Bills Added:
(Bernardy) - Omnibus higher education finance and policy bill.
I. HF2544 (Bernardy) - Higher Education Omnibus Bill - Nonpartisan staff walk through of DE Amendment.
II. Public testimony on the Higher Education Omnibus Bill.
A delete everything amendment will be posted on Thursday, April 4. Walk through of the amendment and public testimony will be occur on Monday, April 8. Amendments to the DE are due 10:00 AM on Tuesday, April 9. Consideration of amendments and the final vote on HF 2544 as amended will occur on Tuesday, April 9.
If you want to testify, please sign up ahead of time by emailing the committee administrator at . Depending on the number of people, testimony may be limited to 2 minutes each.
Bills Added:
(Bernardy) - Omnibus higher education finance and policy bill.
I. HF 2544 (Bernardy) - Office of Higher Education, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities, University of Minnesota, and other related programs funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
*Bills may be added to the agenda and order may change.*
I. HF 434 (Noor) - Teacher candidates of color financial aid provided, and money appropriated.
II. HF 2730 (Wolgamott) - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities program to increase open textbook usage created, reports required, and money appropriated.
III. HF 2663 (Pryor) - Higher education state grant program parameters adjusted.
IV. HF 405 (Koegel) - Anoka Technical College fabrication lab grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
*Bills may be added to the agenda and order may change.*
(Koegel) - Anoka Technical College fabrication lab grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Noor) - Teacher candidates of color financial aid provided, and money appropriated.
(Pryor) - Higher education state grant program parameters adjusted.
(Wolgamott) - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities program to increase open textbook usage created, reports required, and money appropriated.