Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
I. Overview of state funding for Minnesota Public Television
II. Overview of state funding for Minnesota Public Radio
III. HF14 (Nelson) Federal Help America Vote Act money transferred and appropriated
IV. HF17 (O'Driscoll) Federal Help America Vote Act money transferred and appropriated
The Overview of state funding for Association of Minnesota Public Education Radio Stations (AMPERS) has been moved to the Agenda for Tuesday, January 29th
Bills Added:
(Nelson) - Help America Vote Act money transferred and appropriated.
(O'Driscoll) - Help America Vote Act appropriations authorized for purposes of modernizing, securing, and updating statewide voter registration system and for cybersecurity upgrades.
I. Overview for the Office of Administrative Hearings
II. Overview of state funding for the Association of Minnesota Public Educational Radio Stations (AMPERS)
III. Overview for the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission
HF 14 (Nelson) and HF 17 (O'Driscioll) related to Help America Vote Act federal appropriations have been moved to the Wednesday, January 30th, Agenda at 8:00 a.m.