Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF593 (Edelson) - Rotary International special license plate established.
HF548 (Haley) Red Wing; Eisenhower Memorial Bridge over the Mississippi River named as Bridge of Valor
HF1171 (Nash) Carver County Trunk Highway 25 segment designated as Captain Jeffrey Vollmer Memorial Highway
HF1623 (Hornstein) Transportation miscellaneous policy changes made, including provisions governing bicycles, school bus warning lights, driver's license suspension, airport zoning, legislative route removals, and memorial highways and bridges.
HF1555 (Hornstein) - Corridors of Commerce program appropriation use expanded.
The committee will recess and reconvene at 7:00 p.m. for HF1500 (Winkler)
HF1500 (Winkler) - Noncompliant driver's license or identification card requirements modified and related changes made, including eligibility, proof of lawful presence, primary and secondary documentation, discrimination, voter registration, and data practices; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
If you would like to testify please email
Bills Added:
(Hornstein) - Omnibus transportation finance bill.
(Edelson) - Rotary International special license plate established.
(Winkler) - Noncompliant driver's license or Minnesota identification card requirements modified and related changes made, including eligibility, proof of lawful presence, primary and secondary documentation, voter registration, and data practices; technical changes made; and money appropriated.
(Haley) - Red Wing; Eisenhower Memorial Bridge over the Mississippi River renamed as Bridge of Valor.
(Nash) - Carver County; Trunk Highway 25 segment designated as Captain Jeffrey Vollmer Memorial Highway.
(Hornstein) - Transportation miscellaneous policy changes made, including provisions governing traffic regulations, school bus warning lights, airport zoning, legislative route removals, and memorial highways and bridges.
(Vogel) - Individual diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder or mental health condition allowed to request a disability designation on driver's license or identification card.
(Hansen) - Minnesota Licensing and Registration System (MNLARS) and Driver and Vehicle Services funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.