Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
Public Testimony:
• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify, please contact and copy by 9:00 am on Wednesday, April 27, 2022. Due to time constraints, testimony may be limited.
• Written testimony is encouraged. If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 9:00 am, Wednesday, April 27, 2022.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please do not contact him with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Hornstein) - Metropolitan Council member election provided.
HF4317 (Thompson) Homeownership opportunities created, African American and African Immigrant homeownership incentive account established, and money appropriated.
**Amendments are due for the bill above by 8:30am, Tuesday, March 29, 2022.
*HF4661 (Lislegard) Memorial Day observance annual spending amount by city amended.
**Amendments are due for HF4661 (Lislegard) by 6:00pm, Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Public Testimony:
• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify and haven’t previously testified on the bill, please contact and copy by 4:00pm on Tuesday, March 29, 2022
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 8:30 am, Tuesday, March 29, 2022.
• If you wish to testify on HF4661(Lislegard), please contact by 6:00 pm, Tuesday, March 29, 2022.
• If you plan to submit written testimony on HF4661 (Lislegard), please send to by 6:00 pm, Tuesday, March 29, 2022.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please do not contact him with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Thompson) - Homeownership opportunities created, African American and African Immigrant homeownership incentive account established, and money appropriated.
(Lislegard) - Memorial Day observance annual city spending amount amended.
HF4221 (Nelson, M.) Hennepin Board of County Commissioners permitted to set reasonable allowances for expenses or a per diem allowance for members of boards or agencies.
HF4141 (Elkins) Conforming industrialized or modular residential buildings added to structures that may not be prohibited by regulation.
HF4271 (Elkins) Construction-related and development-related fee collections threshold increased for municipal reporting, and commissioner of labor and industry required to establish a cost per square foot valuation of properties for the purpose of setting municipal building permit fees.
**Amendments are due for the bills above by 8:30am, Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
HF4441 (Masin) Open meeting participation conditions from nonpublic location amended.
HF4345 (Albright) Self-insurance pool additional investment authority provided.
**Amendments are due for HF4441 (Masin) and HF4345 (Albright) by 6:00pm, Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
*HF3946 (Koznick) has been removed from the agenda.
Public Testimony:
• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify and haven’t previously testified on the bill, please contact and copy by 4:00pm on Tuesday, March 22, 2022
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 8:30 am, Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
• If you wish to testify on HF4441 (Masin) or HF4345 (Albright), please contact by 6:00 pm, Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
• If you plan to submit written testimony on HF4441 (Masin), or HF4345 (Albright), please send to by 6:00 pm, Tuesday, March 22, 2022.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please do not contact him with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Nelson) - Hennepin Board of County Commissioners permitted to set reasonable allowances for expenses or a per diem allowance for members of boards or agencies.
(Elkins) - Conforming industrialized or modular residential buildings added to structures that may not be prohibited by regulation.
(Elkins) - Construction-related and development-related fee collection threshold increased for municipal reporting, and commissioner of labor and industry required to establish a cost per square foot valuation of properties for the purpose of setting municipal building permit fees.
(Albright) - Self-insurance pool additional investment authority provided.
(Masin) - Open meeting participation conditions from nonpublic location amended.
HF3992 (Hansen) Metropolitan-area regional park basis for determining operation and maintenance expenditures modified.
*Amendments are due for this bill by 8:30am, Tuesday, March 15, 2022.
**HF4108 (Huot) Orderly annexation and detachment provisions modified.
**HF4109 (Huot) Designated area annexation by means other than those identified in an orderly annexation agreement prohibited.
**HF4108 and HF4109 will be heard for informational purposes; no action will be taken.
Public Testimony:
• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify and haven’t previously testified on the bill, please contact and copy by 4:00pm on Tuesday, March 15, 2022
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 8:30 am, Tuesday, March 15, 2022.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please do not contact him with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Hansen) - Metropolitan-area regional park basis for determining operation and maintenance expenditures modified.
(Huot) - Orderly annexation and detachment provisions modified.
(Huot) - Designated area annexation by means other than those identified in an orderly annexation agreement prohibited.
HF3285 (Sandstede) County land sales online process authorized, and notice procedures modified for land sales.
HF3834 (Elkins) Bloomington Housing and Redevelopment Authority statutory authority clarified.
*HF3588 (Vang) Affordable housing market value exclusion established.
**Amendments are due for all bills by 8:30am, Tuesday, March 8, 2022.
Public Testimony:
• Members of the public with questions about this process or who are interested in testifying at this meeting may email committee staff at
• If you wish to testify and haven’t previously testified on the bill, please contact and copy by 4:00pm on Tuesday, March 8, 2022
• If you plan to submit written testimony, please send to by 8:30 am, Tuesday, March 8, 2022.
To provide feedback on digital accessibility of meeting information, please submit comments through the Minnesota Legislature Accessibility & Usability Comment Form. If you require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please do not contact him with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda. To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access.
Bills Added:
(Sandstede) - County land sales online process authorized, and notice procedures modified for land sales.
(Elkins) - Bloomington Housing and Redevelopment Authority statutory authority clarified.
(Vang) - Affordable housing market value exclusion established.