Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF3447 (Pursell); relating to polling places on college campuses
Language posted on website.
HF3435 (Virnig); relating to census access to apartment buildings
Language posted on website.
HF1064 (Hollins); Citizens United; a resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment; asking that Congress propose a constitutional amendment to provide such clarification.
Bills may be taken up in any order, added, or removed at the Chair’s discretion
If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email no later than 5pm the night before.
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
(Hollins) - Citizens United; a resolution memorializing Congress to overturn the United States Supreme Court decision Citizens United v. FEC; requesting that Congress clarify that the rights protected under the Constitution are the rights of natural persons and not the rights of artificial entities and that spending money to influence elections is not speech under the First Amendment.
(Virnig) - Census activity applicability clarified.
(Pursell) - Postsecondary institutions and student governments allowed to request a temporary polling place on the institution's campus.
(Virnig) - Census activity applicability clarified.
(Virnig) - Census activity applicability clarified.
Confirmation hearings to the Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board
Carol Flynn
Faris Rashid
Items may be added, removed, or taken up in any order at the Chair’s discretion
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
HF1723 (Freiberg); Secretary of state funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1723 will be the vehicle for the elections finance and policy omnibus bill.
The bill will be posted early the week of March 27.
Public testimony to **new provisions** will be taken on Wednesday, March 29. **no testimony will be taken to provisions already heard**
Markup and passage will take place on Friday, March 31.
Items may be added, removed, or taken up in any order at the Chair’s discretion
If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email no later than 5pm the night before.
**Testimony may be limited at the Chair's discretion**
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Budget Presentation - Office of the Secretary of State
HF1723 (Freiberg); Secretary of state funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1723 will be the vehicle for the elections finance and policy omnibus bill.
The bill will be posted early the week of March 27.
Public testimony to **new provisions** will be taken on Wednesday, March 29. **no testimony will be taken to provisions already heard**
Markup and passage will take place on Friday, March 31.
Items may be added, removed, or taken up in any order at the Chair’s discretion
If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email no later than 5pm the night before.
**Testimony may be limited at the Chair's discretion**
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
HF1141 (Freiberg); Elections; technical and clarifying changes made.
This bill had a full hearing on February 15, 2023. No testimony or discussion will be taken, the motion is for referral to the General Register.
HF1489 (Coulter); Maximum refund permitted by political contribution refund program increased.
HF2793 (Coulter); Small donor political committees and funds regulated, small donor state match program established, candidate expenditures exempted from aggregate expenditure limits, campaign public subsidy program repealed, and money transferred.
HF1942 (Coulter); Mail balloting authorized in any town or city with fewer than 400 registered voters.
DE amendment
Items may be added, removed, or taken up in any order at the Chair’s discretion
If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email no later than 5pm the night before.
**Testimony may be limited at the Chair's discretion**
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
(Coulter) - Maximum refund permitted by political contribution refund program increased, and money appropriated.
(Coulter) - Mail balloting authorized in any town or city with fewer than 400 registered voters.
(Coulter) - Small donor political committees and funds regulated, small donor state match program established, candidate expenditures exempted from aggregate expenditure limits, campaign public subsidy program repealed, and money transferred.