Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
HF2831 (Finke) Emerald ash borer response grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF2348 (Tabke) Shooting sports facility grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF 1130 (Tabke) Cities authorized to adopt pesticide control ordinances.
HF 1317 (Hansen) Terms defined; Use, storage, disposal, and sale of pesticide-treated seed regulated; label statements for pesticide-treated seed required; consumer guidance required; rulemaking required; and money appropriated
HF2564 (Hansen) Snowmobile registration provisions modified, accounts established, state parks and trails provisions modified, Minnesota Naturalist Corps eligibility modified, timber provisions modified, water permit application requirements modified, resident license requirements modified, walk-in access program modified, use of motorized vehicles in wildlife management areas modified, permits to take wild animals under federal incidental take permit authorized, hunting and fishing and elk management provisions modified, nonlethal control of deer and elk causing damage provided, wanton waste provisions modified, open season dates clarified, and money appropriated.
HF1680 (Hansen) Sustainable diversion limits on groundwater appropriations provided.
HF1862 (Hansen) County approval requirements removed for land acquisitions.
HF1283 (Hansen) Environment; PFAS-related rulemaking required.
HF2745 (Myers) Deposit of waste prohibited outside a shelter, motor vehicle, or any other conveyance on ice of state waters; and report on options for funding additional enforcement of laws on ice of state waters required.
*Additional bills may be added.
If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 5:00pm, Tuesday, March 21, 2023. Please note that testimony may be limited. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record.
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Finke) - Emerald ash borer response grant program established, and money appropriated.
(Tabke) - Shooting sports facility grants funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Tabke) - Cities authorized to adopt pesticide control ordinances.
(Hansen) - Agriculture; terms defined; use, storage, disposal, and sale of pesticide-treated seed regulated; label statements required; consumer guidance required; rulemaking required; penalties modified; and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Snowmobile registration provisions modified; state parks and trails provisions modified; Minnesota Naturalist Corps eligibility modified; timber provisions modified; water permit application requirements modified; resident license requirements modified; walk-in access program modified; various provisions related to use of motorized vehicles, hunting and fishing, and elk management modified; open season dates clarified; and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Sustainable diversion limits on groundwater appropriations provided.
(Hansen) - County approval requirements removed for land acquisitions.
(Hansen) - Environment; PFAS-related rulemaking required.
(Myers) - Deposit of waste prohibited outside a shelter, motor vehicle, or any other conveyance on ice of state waters; and report on options for funding additional enforcement of laws on ice of state waters required.
HF2105 (Hansen) Requirements modified for conveying easements and leasing state lands; state parks, forests, and waysides added to and deleted from; and state land sale and exchange authorized.
HF2304 (Curran) Issuance authorized and modification of water use permits prohibited, White Bear Lake Area Water Use Work Group established, comprehensive plan required, and money appropriated.
HF2833 (Hansen) Department of Natural Resources law enforcement supervisor transition provisions modified.
**HF2324 (Hansen) Drill core library funding provided, and money appropriated.
**HF1828 (Hansen) Water and soil conservation provisions modified.
***HF2387 (Hansen) Fur farmer registration requirements modified, commercial permits for restricted species eliminated, and feral pigs and mink report required.
**Please note that 2324 (Hansen) and HF1828 (Hansen) received full hearings with public testimony on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 (HF2324) and March 15, 2023 (HF1828). The committee will be limited to amendments and final action.
***Please note that HF2387 (Hansen) will be heard for informational purposes and no action will be taken.
*HF1900 (Hollins), HF2778 (Hansen), and HF2865 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) have been removed from the agenda.
If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 5:00pm, Monday, March 20, 2023. Please note that testimony may be limited. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record.
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Hansen) - Easement conveying requirements modified; state parks and forests added; and state land sales, purchases, and transfers authorized.
(Curran) - Water use permit issuance authorized and modification prohibited, White Bear Lake Area Water Use Work Group established, comprehensive plan required, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Department of Natural Resources law enforcement supervisor transition provisions modified.
(Hansen) - Drill Core Library funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Water and soil conservation provisions modified.
(Hansen) - Fur farmer registration requirements modified, commercial permits for restricted species eliminated, and feral pigs and mink report required.
HF2693 (Hollins) Zero-waste grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1828 (Hansen) Water and soil conservation provisions modified.
*HF2368 (Hansen) Minnesota Swan Protection Act established, swan resting areas designation allowed, criminal penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
HF2774 (Hansen) Sustainable Forest Resources Act extended.
HF2761 (Hansen) Monitoring of biofuel, air emissions, wastewater, and coproducts for presence of chemicals required; voluntary biomonitoring of biofuel plant employees provided; and money appropriated.
*HF2571 (Hollins), HF2778 (Hansen) and HF1900 (Hollins) have been removed from the agenda.
If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 5:00pm, Tuesday, March 14, 2023. Please note that testimony may be limited. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record.
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Hollins) - Zero-waste grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Water and soil conservation provisions modified.
(Hansen) - Sustainable Forest Resources Act extended.
(Hansen) - Monitoring of biofuel, air emissions, wastewater, and coproducts for presence of chemicals required; voluntary biomonitoring of biofuel plant employees provided; and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Minnesota Swan Protection Act established, swan resting areas designation allowed, criminal penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
HF637 (Lee) Requirement modified to analyze and consider cumulative pollution before issuing air quality permit, environmental justice areas identification provided, environmental permitting and review demographic analysis required, and technical corrections made.
HF674 (Lee) Community air-monitoring systems pilot grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF2076 (Pursell) Pollution Control Agency citizen membership reinstated.
HF1338 (Fischer) Legislative Water Commission reestablished, and appointments provided.
The Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee will recess at 4:30pm and reconvene at 6:30pm in Room 10 of the State Office Building to take up the following bills:
HF1973 (Acomb) State greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals amended.
HF2193 (Feist) Funding provided for scope of work for a plan to promote and protect clean water in Minnesota for the next 50 years, and money appropriated.
HF638 (Freiberg) Inflow and infiltration program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2457 (Lislegard) Applied research in water and mineral resources funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2528 (Brand) Water safety plans for cities funding provided, and money appropriated.
*HF2324 (Hansen) Drill core library funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2178 (Hornstein) has been removed from the agenda.
If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 5:00pm, Monday, March 13, 2023. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Lee) - Requirement modified to analyze and consider cumulative pollution before issuing air quality permit, environmental justice areas identification provided, environmental permitting and review demographic analysis required, and technical corrections made.
(Lee) - Community air-monitoring systems pilot grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Pursell) - Pollution Control Agency citizen membership reinstated.
(Fischer) - Legislative Water Commission reestablished, and appointments provided.
(Acomb) - State greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals amended.
(Feist) - Funding provided for scope of work for a plan to promote and protect clean water in Minnesota for the next 50 years, and money appropriated.
(Freiberg) - Inflow and infiltration program funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Lislegard) - Applied research in water and mineral resources funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Brand) - Water safety plans for cities funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Drill Core Library funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1873 (Kozlowski) Enforcement authority modified for appropriating water.
HF2388 (Stephenson) Upper Sioux Agency State Park transfer required, and report required.
HF2354 (Pursell) Drainage registry information portal established, and money appropriated.
HF2353 (Pursell) Lowland Conifer Carbon Reserve established, positive general fund balance uses modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF897 (Brand) County feedlot program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2096 (Jordan) PFAS prohibited in ski wax.
HF2368 (Hansen) Minnesota Swan Protection Act established, swan resting areas designation allowed, criminal penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
HF2171 (Hansen) Objectionable odor emission prohibited, testing based on odor complaints required, and odor-management plans required.
HF2126 (Hansen) Plastics definitions added, microplastic and nanoplastic testing protocol development and implementation funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1514 (Hansen) Metropolitan Council; new inflow and infiltration grant program for metropolitan cities created.
If you would like to sign up to testify or submit written testimony, please email by 5:00pm, Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Submitted written testimony is public and will be posted on the committee website and included in the committee record
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Kozlowski) - Enforcement authority modified for appropriating water.
(Stephenson) - Upper Sioux Agency State Park transfer required, and report required.
(Pursell) - Drainage registry information portal established, and money appropriated.
(Pursell) - Lowland Conifer Carbon Reserve established, positive general fund balance uses modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Brand) - County feedlot program funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Jordan) - PFAS prohibited in ski wax.
(Hansen) - Minnesota Swan Protection Act established, swan resting areas designation allowed, criminal penalties provided, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Objectionable odor emission prohibited, testing based on odor complaints required, and odor-management plans required.
(Hansen) - Plastics definitions added, microplastic and nanoplastic testing protocol development and implementation funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Hansen) - Metropolitan Council; new inflow and infiltration grant program for metropolitan cities created.