Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
1. HF 2023 (Long) Clean Slate Act established, automatic expungement process provided for offenders, waiting periods modified for expungements that require petition, offenses that are eligible for expungement amended, records received and retained by Bureau of Criminal Apprehension modified, creation of database required, data classified, and money appropriated.
2. HF 865 (Hollins) Building and construction contract requirements modified and clarified.
3. HF 1272 (Brand) Minimum crew size required for rail carriers, and penalties imposed.
4. HF 2234 (Edelson) Home and community-based services systemic critical incident review team established, adult foster care and community residential setting licensing provisions clarified, substance use disorder treatment requirements modified, councils and committees extended, provider-controlled and own-home settings clarified, technical and conforming changes made, effective dates clarified, and obsolete language related to chemical health pilot program repealed.
5. HF 1459 (Freiberg) Civil remedies for consumer protection violations amended.
6. HF 1655 (Finke) Human rights act sections removed that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation.
7. HF 226 (Moller) Prosecutor-initiated sentence adjustments established, and sentencing reporting required.
8. HF 1581 (Becker-Finn) Miscellaneous technical corrections to laws and statues made; erroneous, obsolete, and omitted text and references corrected; and redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed.
9. HF 1083 (Frazier) Criminal records expungement without petition authorized for individuals not guilty of crime as a result of identity theft or mistaken identity.
10. HF 1084 (Frazier) Criminal records sealing upon granting a pardon extraordinary authorized.
11. HF 118 (Scott) Forfeiture matter complaints permitted to be served by certified mail, statements of claim permitted in forfeiture matters to be served pursuant to Rules of Conciliation Court Procedure, and repealed statute references removed.
Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.
HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Scott) - Forfeiture matter complaints permitted to be served by certified mail, statements of claim permitted in forfeiture matters to be served pursuant to Rules of Conciliation Court Procedure, and repealed statute references removed.
(Moller) - Prosecutor-initiated sentence adjustments established, and sentencing reporting required.
(Frazier) - Background studies conducted by the Department of Human Services and county agencies for family child care services for expungements modified, and criminal record expungement authorized without petition for individuals not guilty of a crime as a result of identity theft or mistaken identity.
(Frazier) - Sealing of criminal records upon granting a pardon extraordinary authorized, and conforming changes made in human services background studies for expungement orders.
(Brand) - Minimum crew size required for rail carriers, and penalties imposed.
(Freiberg) - Consumer protection violation civil remedies amended for individual or family farmer.
(Becker-Finn) - Legislative enactments; miscellaneous and technical corrections made to laws and statutes; erroneous, obsolete, and omitted text and references corrected; and redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed.
(Finke) - Gender identity separate definition created, and human rights act sections removed that allow for discrimination based on sexual orientation.
(Long) - Clean Slate Act established, automatic expungement process provided for offenders, waiting periods modified for expungements that require petition, offenses that are eligible for expungement amended, records received and retained by Bureau of Criminal Apprehension modified, creation of database required, data classified, and money appropriated.
(Edelson) - Home and community-based services systemic critical incident review team established, adult foster care and community residential setting licensing provisions clarified, substance use disorder treatment requirements modified, councils and committees extended, provider-controlled and own-home settings clarified, and chemical health pilot program obsolete language repealed.
(Hollins) - Building and construction contract requirements modified and clarified.
1. SF 667 (Keeler) Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act changes made.
2. HF 3 (Greenman) Voter registration provisions modified; absentee voting provisions modified; voting instructions and sample ballot required to be multilingual and interpreters required to be provided; intimidation, deceptive practices, and interference with registration and voting regulated; campaign finance provisions modified; express advocacy definition expanded; penalties provided; reports required; and money appropriated.
3. HF 2000 (Stephenson) Sports betting authorized and provided, licenses established, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
4. HF 1370 (Stephenson) Cause of action for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established, crime of using deep fake technology to influence an election established, and crime for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established.
Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.
HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Greenman) - Voter registration and absentee voting provisions modified; voting instructions and sample ballot required to be multilingual and interpreters required to be provided; intimidation, deceptive practices, and interference regulated; campaign finance provisions modified; and money appropriated.
(Stephenson) - Cause of action for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established, crime of using deep fake technology to influence an election established, and crime for nonconsensual dissemination of deep fake sexual images established.
(Stephenson) - Lawful gambling; sports betting and fantasy contests provided for and authorized, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting and fantasy contest taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, charitable gambling provided for and lawful gambling tax rates modified, pari-mutuel horse racing provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Keeler) - Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act provisions modified.
1. HF 1414 (Curran) Courts; formula for distribution of fine proceeds amended.*
2. HF 774 (Kozlowski) Duluth; First Witness Child Advocacy Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
3. HF 1326 (Elkins) Transit applicant and customer data classified as private data on individuals.
4. HF 1521 (Hanson, J.) Northstar Care for Children assessment rate effective dates, relative search requirements, and termination of parental rights technical changes made; and technical corrections made to child support provision.
5. HF 1347 (Tabke) Real property; state agencies exempted from actions under Marketable Title Act.
6. HF 1625 (Her) Employers prohibited from inquiring about past pay.
7. HF 1337 (Fischer) Digital fair repair provisions modified, and penalties provided.
8. HF 1791 (Moller) Exclusions for types of claims handling from civil liability clarified.
9. HF 133 (Becker-Finn) Tribally enrolled or descendent student educational data sharing allowed with Tribal nations.
*Public testimony and amendments on HF 1414 were taken by the committee on February 21, 2023. No further public testimony and amendments on the bill will be taken.
Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.
HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Becker-Finn) - Tribally enrolled or descendent student educational data sharing allowed with Tribal nations.
(Kozlowski) - Duluth; First Witness Child Advocacy Center funding provided, and money appropriated.
(Elkins) - Transit applicant and customer data classified as private data on individuals.
(Fischer) - Digital fair repair provisions modified, and penalties required.
(Tabke) - Real property; state agencies exempted from actions under Marketable Title Act.
(Curran) - Courts; formula for distribution of fine proceeds amended.
(Hanson) - Northstar Care for Children assessment rate effective dates, relative search requirements, and termination of parental rights technical changes made; and technical corrections made to child support provision.
(Her) - Employers prohibited from inquiring about past pay.
(Moller) - Exclusions for types of claims handling from civil liability clarified.
1. HF 146 (Finke) Out-of-state laws interfering in use of gender-affirming health care; use of subpoenas to gather information prevented; child custody and child welfare provisions modified; and provisions amended related to warrants, arrests, and extraditions.*
2. HF 1414 (Curran) Courts; formula for distribution of fine proceeds amended.
3. HF 975 (Moller) Towed vehicle contents retrieval governing requirements amended.
4. HF 909 (Daniels) Closed-captioned television required in certain circumstances.
*Public testimony and amendments on HF 146 were taken by the committee on January 31, 2023. No further public testimony and amendments on the bill will be taken.
Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.
HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Finke) - Gender-affirming health care; use of subpoenas to gather information prevented; child custody and child welfare provisions amended; and warrant, arrest, and extradition provisions amended.
(Daniels) - Closed-captioned television required in certain circumstances.
(Curran) - Courts; formula for distribution of fine proceeds amended.
(Moller) - Towed vehicle contents retrieval governing requirements amended, and cause of action provided for aggrieved vehicle owners.
1. Judicial Branch overview and budget presentation.
2. HF 305 (Becker-Finn) Fee for uncertified copies of instruments from civil or criminal proceedings eliminated.
3. HF 1580 (Becker-Finn) Onetime market adjustment provided to district court law clerks' starting salary to align with competitive corridor, and money appropriated.
4. HF 93 (Pinto) Slavery or involuntary servitude prohibited as criminal punishment for crime, and constitutional amendment proposed.
5. HF 686 (Moller) Tracking device expanded use authorized during stolen vehicle investigations.
Committee discussion of all bills will be limited to the provisions within the jurisdiction of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. Items may be taken up in any order, items may be added or removed at the Chairs' discretion.
HANDOUTS: Handouts in Word or PDF format should be emailed to the committee administrator by 10am the business day before the hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It will be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 5pm the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law webpage.
ACCESSIBILITY: To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
(Pinto) - Slavery or involuntary servitude prohibited as criminal punishment for crime, and constitutional amendment proposed.
(Becker-Finn) - Fee for uncertified copies of instruments from civil or criminal proceedings eliminated.
(Becker-Finn) - Judiciary finance bill.
(Moller) - Tracking device expanded use authorized during stolen vehicle investigations.