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Audio/Video Archives - 2023-2024 Regular Session

State and Local Government Finance and Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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State and Local Government Finance and Policy

HF 4598 (Long) Independent Redistricting Commission established, Applicant Review Panel established, principles to be used in adopting legislative and congressional districts established, legislative members lobbying activity prohibited, convening and conduct of regular legislative sessions requirements amended, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF 4593 (Klevorn) Advisory citizens' redistricting commission established, redistricting principles and redistricting requirements established, constitutional amendment to establish an independent citizen's redistricting commission proposed, and money appropriated.
HF 4182 (Freiberg) Equal Access to Broadband Act established, and broadband services and broadband infrastructure governing provisions modified.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 40 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State and Local Government Finance and Policy webpage.
VIEWING: This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.

o For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
o If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
o To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF4182 (Freiberg) - Equal Access to Broadband Act established, and broadband services and broadband infrastructure governing provisions modified.
HF4593 (Klevorn) - Advisory citizens' redistricting commission established, redistricting principles and redistricting requirements established, constitutional amendment to establish an independent citizen's redistricting commission proposed, and money appropriated.
HF4598 (Long) - Independent Redistricting Commission established, Applicant Review Panel established, principles to be used in adopting legislative and congressional districts established, legislative members lobbying activity prohibited, convening and conduct of regular legislative sessions requirements amended, and constitutional amendment proposed.
State Gov 4-4-2024 Agenda.pdf (3/30/2024)
HF 4182 -- MnTech (Opposes).pdf (4/1/2024)
HF 4182 -- NWSCCC (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- City of Savage (Suports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- City of Robbinsdale (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- SPNN (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- City of Chaska (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- South Washington Telecomm Commission (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- Metro Cities (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182-- SPAC (Opposed).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- City of Plymouth (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- City of Mounds (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- Amendment A3 Freiberg.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- NineNorth (Supports).pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4598 -- A9.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4598 -- A10.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4598 -- A11.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4598 -- A12.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4598 -- A13.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4598 -- A14.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4598 -- A15.pdf (4/2/2024)
HF 4182 -- NATOA (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- NDC4 (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- City of St. Paul (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- MCFE (Opposes).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4598 -- NFIB (Opposes).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- SCC (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- LMC (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593-0 Completed FN.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- Clean Elections MN (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- QCCCC (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- MCF.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 - MN Cable (Opposes).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- Town Square Television (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- CTIA (Opposes).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- Square Television NDC4 South St. Paul MACTA Support).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- City of St. Cloud (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- Coon Rapids Resolution of support combined.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4598 -- Brennan Center for Justice.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- Asian American Organizing Project (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- Clean Elections MN (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- Common Cause MN (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4598 -- League of Women Voters MN.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182_0 Fiscal Note.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4598 -- TakeAction (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- Peter Wattson.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- Ltr of Support Signed by Many.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- ACER (Supports).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4593 -- MN House Research Summary.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- MN House Research Summary with Amendment A3 Freiberg.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4598 -- 1A Completed FN.pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- Gigapower (Opposes).pdf (4/3/2024)
HF 4182 -- Rocori Area TV Cable Commission (Support).pdf (4/3/2024)

State and Local Government Finance and Policy

HF 4025 (Koegel) Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure established, office powers and duties specified, implementation provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF 3345 (Jordan) Prohibition on banning merchant bags removed.
HF 4744 (Jordan) Hennepin County; majority vote required to approve budget.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 40 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State and Local Government Finance and Policy webpage.
VIEWING: This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.

o For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
o If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
o To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF3345 (Jordan) - Prohibition on banning merchant bags removed.
HF4025 (Koegel) - Minnesota Advisory Council on Infrastructure established, office powers and duties specified, implementation provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF4744 (Jordan) - Hennepin County; majority vote required to approve budget.

State and Local Government Finance and Policy

HF 2000 (Stephenson) Sports betting authorized and provided, licenses established, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF 4738 (Huot) Office of Emergency Medical Services established to replace Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, duties specified and transferred, advisory council established, alternative EMS response model pilot program established, and conforming changes made.
HF 4904 (Greenman) Statutory cities authorized to create wards for election of city council members.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 40 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State and Local Government Finance and Policy webpage.
VIEWING: This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.

o For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
o If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
o To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF2000 (Stephenson) - Lawful gambling; sports betting and fantasy contests provided for and authorized, local restrictions prohibited, sports betting and fantasy contest taxation provided, civil and criminal penalties provided, amateur sports grants provided, charitable gambling provided for and lawful gambling tax rates modified, pari-mutuel horse racing provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF4738 (Huot) - Office of Emergency Medical Services established to replace Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, duties specified and transferred, advisory council established, alternative EMS response model pilot program established, provisions modified relating to ambulance service personnel and emergency medical responders, and money appropriated.
HF4904 (Greenman) - Statutory cities authorized to create wards for election of city council members.

State and Local Government Finance and Policy

HF 4043 (Agbaje) Allocation of incarcerated persons based on their last known address in Minnesota required, and Department of Corrections required to collect last residential address of an inmate before incarceration.
HF 3182 (Olson, L) Public employees insurance program modifications; Minnesota insurance pool committee created, report required, and money appropriated.
HF 4553 (Tabke) State Patrol retirement plan new section added to codify the right to return to employment and continue receiving an annuity.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 40 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State and Local Government Finance and Policy webpage.
VIEWING: This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.

o For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
o If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
o To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF3182 (Olson) - Public employees insurance program modifications made.
HF4553 (Tabke) - State Patrol retirement plan new section added to codify the right to return to employment and continue receiving an annuity.
HF4043 (Agbaje) - Allocation of incarcerated persons based on their last known address in Minnesota required, and Department of Corrections required to collect last residential address of an inmate before incarceration.

State and Local Government Finance and Policy

HF 4691 (Koegel) State required to indemnify Ramsey County and Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority for excess liability resulting from rail-related incidents occurring at Union Depot in St. Paul.
HF 4515 (Hollins) St. Paul; franchise fee rate limitations repealed.
HF 4231 (Sencer-Mura) Amortization of certain property uses authorized.
HF 4507 (Anderson, PH) Swift County; hospital district board member requirements modified, and technical changes made.
HF 4201 (Schomacker) Monetary caps for observance of Memorial Day removed.

HANDOUTS: Handouts MUST BE IN PDF FORMAT and emailed to the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing. If you are bringing hard copies, bring 40 copies. Note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.
TESTIFYING: Testimony is limited. The number of testifiers and length of time permitted is at the discretion of the chair, and is subject to change. Please plan accordingly. If you would like to testify, please email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the business day before the hearing.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the State and Local Government Finance and Policy webpage.
VIEWING: This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.

o For further information on accommodations, please visit FAQs for Disability Access or contact the LCC Accessibility Coordinator at
o If you are having accessibility or usability problems with any Minnesota Legislative website or software, please send your comments to the Accessibility & Usability Comment Form
o To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.
Bills Added:
HF4691 (Koegel) - St. Paul; Metropolitan Council provided to indemnify Ramsey County and Ramsey County Regional Authority for excess liability resulting from rail-related incidents occurring at Union Depot.
HF4231 (Sencer-Mura) - Amortization of certain property uses authorized.
HF4507 (Anderson) - Swift County; hospital district board member requirements modified, and technical changes made.
HF4515 (Hollins) - St. Paul; franchise fee rate limitations repealed.
HF4201 (Schomacker) - Monetary caps for observance of Memorial Day removed.
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