Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
III. HF 837 (O’Driscoll) Commissioner of commerce required to request the continuation of a state innovation waiver, and money transferred from the general fund to the premium security plan account.
IV. Adjournment
Bills Added:
(O'Driscoll) - Commissioner of commerce required to request the continuation of a state innovation waiver, and money transferred from the general fund to the premium security plan account.
III. HF 747 (Niska) Minnesota Business Corporation Act modified.
IV. HF1014 (Reyer) Minnesota Insurance Guarantee Association board allowed to request financial information for insureds.
V. HF 320 (Perryman) Auto dealers allowed to participate in auto shows, and auto shows in which auto dealers may participate established.
VI. HF 400 (Perryman) Commissioner of commerce required to defray costs to health plan companies for additional benefits.
VII. Adjournment
*Agenda order may be changed
Bills Added:
(Niska) - Minnesota Business Corporation Act modified.
(Perryman) - Commissioner of commerce required to defray costs to health plan companies for additional benefits.
(Perryman) - Auto dealers allowed to participate in auto shows, and auto shows in which auto dealers may participate established.
(Reyer) - Minnesota Insurance Guarantee Association board allowed to request financial information for insureds.