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Audio/Video Archives - 2025-2026 Regular Session

Housing Finance and Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Housing Finance and Policy

I. HF 297 (Igo) – Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
A. Representative Igo – Chair
B. Scott Zahorik - Executive Director Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (Remote)
C. Julie Marinucci - Deputy County Administrator
II. HF 1067 (Dotseth) – Granting exceptions to income limits of the MN housing Tax credit contribution account grant and loan program for certain workforce housing.
A. Representative Dotseth – Vice Chair
B. Daniel Lightfoot – Senior Intergovernmental Relations Representative
C. Libby Murphy – MHP
D. Skip Duchesnau – Owner, D.W. Jones (Remote)
E. Mark Borseth – Director, Corporate Facilities, Digi-key (Remote)
III. HF 457 (Harder) - Relating to taxation; Income; Proposing refundable credit for conversion of underutilized buildings; allowing grants in lieu of the credit; proposing a sunset for the credit; requiring reports; proposing coding in law in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 290.
A. Representative Harder
B. Sam Friesen – Managing Director of Buildings at Fresh Energy
C. Katie Topinka - Director, Intergovernmental Relations
D. Dan Collison - Senior Director of Business Development and Public Affairs, Sherman Associates
E. Erin Hanafin Berg - Deputy Director, Rethos
F. Melvin Carter – Mayor of St. Paul
G. Joe Spencer - Saint Paul Downtown Alliance

*Agenda Subject to change at the discretion of the Chair
Bills Added:
HF457 (Harder) - Refundable sales and use tax credit proposed for conversion of underutilized buildings, grants in lieu of the credit allowed, credit sunset proposed, and reports required.
HF297 (Igo) - Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1067 (Dotseth) - Exceptions to income limits of the Minnesota housing tax credit contribution account grant and loan program for certain workforce housing projects granted, and matching requirements of the workforce housing development program modified.

Housing Finance and Policy

I. Minnesota Realtors Association
A. Paul Eger – Senior Vice-President
B. David Arbit – Director of Research

*Agenda subject to change at the discretion of the Chair.

Housing Finance and Policy

I. Legislative Coordinating Commission - HOA Working group Findings
A. Andrew George
B. Representative Mekeland, Representative Bahner

Housing Finance and Policy


I. Introduction of Committee members and staff
II. Agency Overview
1. Jennifer Ho – MHFA Commissioner
III. Overview of Rules
1. Representative Igo - Chair

* Agenda subject to change at the discretion of the Chair.
Page: Page Size: 5 Total Results: 14
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