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Audio/Video Archives - 2025-2026 Regular Session

Public Safety Finance and Policy

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Public Safety Finance and Policy

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. HF 963 (Rarick) – Commissioner of corrections authorized to revoke earned incentive credits granted under Minnesota Rehabilitation and Reinvestment Act.
4. HF 533 (Bliss) – Earned incentive release credit exclusions expanded.
5. HF 435 (Franson) – Commissioner of corrections required to house only biological female inmates at the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee.
6. Adjourn

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to Committee Administrator no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints. Committee documents will be posted in advance of the hearing.
Bills Added:
HF963 (Rarick) - Commissioner of corrections authorized to revoke earned incentive credits granted under Minnesota Rehabilitation and Reinvestment Act.
HF533 (Bliss) - Earned incentive release credit exclusions expanded.
HF435 (Franson) - Commissioner of corrections required to house only biological female inmates at the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Shakopee.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. HF 124 (Berg) Acceptance of certain gifts related to a line of duty death of a public safety officer allowed.

4. HF 541(Stier) Reimbursement program established for use of force training, and money appropriated.

5. HF 340 (Stier) Crime of fleeing peace officer in motor vehicle modified to add heightened penalty for fleeing in culpably negligent manner, crime of fleeing in motor vehicle and failing to obey certain traffic laws established, and expanded use of tracking devices authorized

6. HF 962 (Novotny) Brady-Giglio Task Force. Note: HF 962 will be the vehicle bill for a delete-all amendment on a Brady-Giglio policy bill. The delete-all will be posted as soon as it is available.

7. Adjourn

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to Committee Administrator no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints. Committee documents will be posted in advance of the hearing.
Bills Added:
HF962 (Novotny) - Peace officers excluded from discipline for inclusion on Brady-Giglio lists, and report required.
HF124 (Berg) - Acceptance of certain gifts related to a line of duty death of a public safety officer allowed, and local government expenditure authorized for public safety officer killed in line of duty.
HF541 (Stier) - Reimbursement program established for use of force training, and money appropriated.
HF340 (Stier) - Crime of fleeing peace officer in motor vehicle modified to add heightened penalty for fleeing in culpably negligent manner, and crime of fleeing in motor vehicle and failing to obey certain traffic laws established.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Minutes

3. HF 341 (Heintzeman) Penalties enhanced and minimum fines established for repeat violations of driving without a valid license.

4. HF 750 (Robbins) Driver's license suspensions expanded to include all cases where a person is believed to have committed criminal vehicular homicide or criminal vehicular operation, and peace officers required to report all cases where a person is believed to have committed vehicular homicide or criminal vehicular operation.

5. HF 491 (Hill) Law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel provided funding for mental health services and outdoor activities, and money appropriated.

6. Adjourn

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to Committee Administrator no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints. Committee documents will be posted in advance of the hearing.
Bills Added:
HF341 (Heintzeman) - Penalties enhanced and minimum fines established for repeat violations of driving without a valid license.
HF750 (Robbins) - Driver's license suspensions expanded to include all cases where a person is believed to have committed criminal vehicular homicide or criminal vehicular operation, and peace officers required to report all cases where a person is believed to have committed vehicular homicide or criminal vehicular operation.
HF491 (Hill) - Law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services personnel provided funding for mental health services and outdoor activities, and money appropriated.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes
3. HF 128 (Rarick) Penalties for engaging in prostitution with minors increased.
4. HF 131 (Knudsen) Persons subject to stays of adjudication in criminal sexual conduct cases required to register as predatory offenders.
5. HF 127 (Knudsen) Penalties for creating, distributing, and possessing sexually explicit materials involving children increased.
6. HF 286 (Perryman) Local units of government authorized to conduct criminal background checks under certain circumstances.
7. HF 130 (Harder) Mandatory minimum sentences established for certain sex trafficking offenses.
8. HF 129 (Repinski) Director of child sex trafficking prevention required to submit a program evaluation each odd-numbered year to the legislature.
9. Adjourn

*Note: These bills will be introduced on Monday, February 10, 2025. Below is the language of the bills.

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to Committee Administrator no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
Bills Added:
HF128 (Rarick) - Penalties for engaging in prostitution with minors increased.
HF131 (Knudsen) - Persons subject to stays of adjudication in criminal sexual conduct cases required to register as predatory offenders.
HF127 (Knudsen) - Penalties for creating, distributing, and possessing sexually explicit materials involving children increased.
HF286 (Perryman) - Local units of government authorized to conduct criminal background checks under certain circumstances.
HF130 (Harder) - Mandatory minimum sentences established for sex trafficking offenses.
HF129 (Repinski) - Director of child sex trafficking prevention required to submit a program evaluation each odd-numbered year to the legislature.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

1. Call to Order
2. Member and staff introductions
3. Committee Rules
4. HF 7 (Novotny) Bail data and notice provisions modified, mandatory minimum sentences established for sex trafficking offenses, Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission provisions modified, crimes established, criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
5. Adjourn

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to Committee Administrator no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
Bills Added:
HF7 (Novotny) - Public safety; various provisions modified relating to data held by law enforcement agencies; agency bail or bond notice; sex trafficking minimum sentences; Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission; legislative approval; reason for dismissing charges; dismissals report information; county attorney required action; liability and vicarious liability; crime created for recruiting or educating individuals to trespass or damage critical infrastructure; assaulting a police officer penalty; crime of fleeing in a motor vehicle or failing to obey traffic laws crime established; presence in a stolen vehicle; penalties increased for obstructing trunk highway, airport, or transit traffic; tracking device placement and requirements and expanded uses; criminal penalties; and money appropriated.
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