Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.
III. Office of the Legislative Auditor: Presentation of the Financial Audit on the Office of the State Auditor
IV. Office of the State Auditor: Introduction and Overview
V. HF1060 (Nash) Legislative Commission on Minnesota Sports Facilities eliminated.
VI. HF1062 (Nash) Driver and Vehicle Systems Oversight Committee repealed.
VII. Adjournment
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.
TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
Bills Added:
(Nash) - Legislative Commission on Minnesota Sports Facilities eliminated.
(Nash) - Driver and Vehicle Systems Oversight Committee repealed.
III. HF1 (Anderson, P.E.) Office of the Inspector General established, powers provided, duties specified, fraud reporting hotline required, agencies required to halt payments when fraud is suspected, agency-based offices of inspector general eliminated, report required, and money appropriated.
IV. HF2 (Davis) Fraud reporting required when an employee of a state agency has reason to suspect fraud, grants management requirements strengthened, and criminal penalty established.
V. Adjournment
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.
TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
Bills Added:
(Anderson) - Office of Inspector General established, powers and duties provided, enhanced grant oversight provided, retaliation prohibited, existing executive Offices of Inspector General transferred or repealed, fraud detection and prevention provided, conforming changes made, reports required, and money appropriated.
(Davis) - Fraud reporting required when a state employee has reason to suspect fraud, and grants management requirements strengthened.
III. H.F. 289 (Quam) Establishing the SAVI program for state agencies to encourage innovation and cost savings.
IV. H.F. 21 (Robbins) Supermajority approval by each house of the legislature required to extend a peacetime emergency beyond 14 days.
V. H.F. 26 (Roach) Repealing governor's power to declare emergency; establishing a legislative emergency declaration and extension process; repealing governor's authority to adopt orders and expedited rules that have the effect of law during an emergency; protecting citizen rights.
VII. Adjournment
*Agenda items (including bills) may be added or removed, and/or order may change.
TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
Bills Added:
(Robbins) - Supermajority approval by each house of the legislature required to extend a peacetime emergency beyond 14 days.
(Roach) - Governor's power to declare emergency repealed, legislative emergency declaration and extension process established, governor's authority to adopt orders and expedited rules during an emergency repealed, citizen rights protected, and technical corrections made.
(Quam) - SAVI program established for state agencies to encourage innovation and cost savings.
III. H.F. 3 (Nash) Legislative auditor required to submit a report to the legislature related to an agency's implementation of internal control or fiscal management recommendations.
IV. H.F. 23 (Robbins) Public employee whistleblower protections modified.
V. H.F. 2 (Davis) Fraud reporting required when an employee of a state agency has reason to suspect fraud, grants management requirements strengthened, and criminal penalty established.
VI. Department of Administration: Strategic Facilities Plan and Overview Presentation
VII. Adjournment
TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
Bills Added:
(Nash) - Legislative auditor required to submit a report to the legislature related to an agency's implementation of legislative auditor recommendations, and money appropriated.
(Davis) - Fraud reporting required when a state employee has reason to suspect fraud, and grants management requirements strengthened.
(Robbins) - Whistleblower definitions provided, and whistleblower protections for public employees modified.