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Audio/Video Archives - 2017-2018 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Legacy Funding Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
***More Bills May Be Added***

Office of the Legislative Auditor Presentation of the Clean Water Fund Outcomes report
Bills Added:
HF2405 (Petersburg) - Waseca County Veterans Memorial funding provided, and money appropriated.

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

*** Bills not taken up on Monday will be forwarded to Tuesday's agenda***

*** The committee may reconvene after session in Capitol 120 to continue the agenda***

Program Presentation: Dr. Rolf T. Weberg, Executive Director, Natural Resources Research Institute - U of M Duluth
Bills Added:
HF1151 (Bahr) - Pipeline requirement to obtain a certificate of need prior to construction eliminated.
HF1254 (Baker) - Propane school buses and fueling station rebates provided, and Pollution Control Agency rebate program established.
HF1327 (McDonald) - Goodwill-Easter Seals FATHER project funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1330 (Bly) - Renewable energy project rate schedules established, electricity consumption surcharge established, account created, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1355 (Garofalo) - Environmental settlement money required to be appropriated by law.
HF1377 (O'Driscoll) - Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing; stakeholder group established to develop recommendations for consumer protections, authorization for residential PACE financing suspended, and report required.
HF1882 (West) - Solar energy standard modified, and resource planning requirements amended.
HF2052 (Schomacker) - Renewable energy system permitting provisions modified.
HF2248 (Bahr) - Large electrical customers allowed to purchase electricity from any supplier.
HF2278 (Baker) - Cooperative electric associations and municipal utilities exempted from participation in the state energy conservation program.
HF2300 (Garofalo) - Biomass mandate repealed, and continued governance for current mandate projects provided.
H1151A1.pdf (3/20/2017)
H1254DE2.pdf (3/20/2017)
H1377DE1.pdf (3/20/2017)
H1882A1.pdf (3/20/2017)
H2052A1.pdf (3/20/2017)
H2300A1.pdf (3/20/2017)

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF1143 (West) - Summit Academy OIC funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1317 (Newberger) - Clear Lake and Clearwater; wastewater treatment facility funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1410 (Baker) - Child care business start-up and expansion grants provided, and money appropriated.
HF1972 (Freiberg) - Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration funding provided, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1710 (Scott) - Fighting Chance grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1486 (Baker) - Displaced homemaker program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2367 (Haley) - Snow angel grant program created to fund capital improvements to skiing-related businesses, and money appropriated.
HF1119 (Theis) - Criminal penalties modified.
HF1650 (Haley) - Wabasha; regional event conference center, riverfront revitalization project, and National Eagle Center expansion funding provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
HF1131 (West) - Local collaborative pilot program to increase competitive employment for transition age youth funding provided, and money appropriated.
H1972A1.pdf (3/16/2017)

State Government Finance

HF 2290 will be heard on an informational basis

HF 79 was heard on 3/16/17 and re-referred to the Capital Investment Committee without recommendation
Bills Added:
HF407 (Metsa) - Northeast Regional Corrections Center funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF616 (Knoblach) - Minnesota Correctional Facility - St. Cloud funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF755 (Dettmer) - Minnesota Medal of Honor commemorative memorial funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF763 (Daniels) - Minnesota State Academies asset preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated
HF764 (Daniels) - Minnesota State Academy for the Deaf campus security corridor funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF844 (Torkelson) - Milford Town Hall renovation and relocation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1073 (Clark) - Pioneer and Soldiers Cemetery restoration funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1109 (Miller) - Montevideo and Bemidji; veterans homes funding provided, nonstate contributions allowed, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1895 (Jurgens) - Hastings; public building preservation and rehabilitation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1925 (Jurgens) - Hastings; veterans home asset preservation funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2274 (Albright) - Regional behavioral health crisis program development grant program established, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2336 (Anderson) - Individual income tax return free electronic filing system implementation required, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF2290 (Knoblach) - Data practices, information technology, veterans, income tax returns, Public Employees Retirement Association, open meetings, pipelines, and state auditor provisions modified; Governor appropriation uses prohibited; veteran burial fees modified; free income tax filing system required; Sherburne County examiner compensation modified; fund use modified; performance outcomes required; and commissions repealed.

State Government Finance

HF 79 will be heard on an informational basis and taken up on Friday.

HF 2180 has been removed from the agenda
Bills Added:
HF2305 (Garofalo) - Tax incidence study requirements modified.
HF1628 (Kiel) - State required to pay the costs of property tax judgments against state-assessed property, and money appropriated.
HF79 (Davids) - Fillmore County; veterans home funding provided, nonstate contributions allowed, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2138 (Nash) - MN.IT performance outcomes required, and reports required.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF 2328 (Davids) A bill for an act relating to taxation; sales and use; modifying the exemption for Super Bowl admissions; requiring certain reimbursements by the Minnesota Sports Facilities Commission

HF 2340 (Davids) A bill for an act relating to taxation; sales and use; clarifying taxation on privilege of admission; providing exemptions
Bills Added:
HF215 (Wills) - Premises lease duration threshold for nonprofit fundraising events modified.
HF1641 (McDonald) - County fair admission exemption provided.
HF2143 (Davids) - Marketplace provider and retailer sales tax collection duties established.
HF1897 (Vogel) - Elko New Market; water treatment facility sales tax exemption provided, refund provided, and money appropriated.
HF2046 (Davids) - Prepared food donation credit provided.
HF2252 (Rarick) - Firework sale portion of revenues dedicated for public safety purposes, new account in the state treasury created, and money appropriated.
HF2175 (Jessup) - Construction material, supply, and equipment purchase exemption allowed.

Transportation Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
We will meet at 1pm to 2:45 in the basement hearing room. Any bills not heard by 2:45 pm will be taken up at 5pm Thursday in Room 10. NOTE: Due to deadline week additional bills may be added. If you would like to testify on a bill contact Chelsea Peter, Committee Legislative Assistant at 651-296-9302. The Chair will be determining the order of the bills being heard.
Pending referral from other committees we will be hearing:
HF 1745 (Koznick) Metro Mobility Enhancement Task Force established, and legislative report required
HF2058 (Nash) Procedural exceptions for light rail or bus rapid transit line construction or expansion eliminated, and appraisal fees modified
HF2229 (Torkelson) Metropolitan Council and counties authorized to contract for use of railroad or mass transit right-of-way, and civil liability regulated
HF678 (Quam) Law enforcement memorial special license plates established.
HF1539 (Drazkowski) Deputy registrars authorized to issue duplicate certificates of title for motor vehicles.
HF2264 (Jurgens) Hastings; speed limits governed, moratorium established, and legislative report required.

HF1670 will not be heard in Transportation Finance Committee:
HF1670 (Zerwas) Driver diversion program made permanent, proof of insurance provided by courts authorized, uniform traffic ticket amended, waiver of criminal surcharge authorized, court appearance for driving offenses mandated, and money appropriated.
Bills Added:
HF584 (Considine) - Disability plated issuance authorized to owner of motorized bicycle.
HF1570 (Albright) - Suburb to suburb transit demonstration project funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1636 (Johnson) - Isanti County; Trunk Highway 65 segment designated as Chip A. Imker Memorial Highway.
HF1842 (Miller) - Corridors of Commerce program eligibility provided.
HF1844 (Dean) - Freight railroad preservation and improvement grants provided, and money appropriated.
HF1956 (Howe) - Remaining service life use in pavement management processes required.
HF862 (Petersburg) - Outdoor advertising near roads and highways provisions modified.
HF934 (Hornstein) - Larger cities assistance account established, and allocation of fees and surcharges modified.
HF979 (Haley) - Red Wing; port development assistance program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF980 (Haley) - Red Wing; U.S. Highway 61 reconstruction funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1657 (Hertaus) - Hennepin County; trunk highway project funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF1745 (Koznick) - Metro Mobility Enhancement Task Force established, and legislative report required.
HF2229 (Torkelson) - Metropolitan Council and counties authorized to contract for use of railroad or mass transit right-of-way, and civil liability regulated.
HF2264 (Jurgens) - Hastings; speed limits governed, moratorium established, and legislative report required.
H0979A2.pdf (3/15/2017)
H2229A5.pdf (3/15/2017)
H1657A1.pdf (3/15/2017)
H2264A1.pdf (3/15/2017)
H2229DE2.pdf (3/15/2017)
Any bills not heard from the afternoon posted transportation finance committee will be heard starting at 5pm in Room 10 of State Office Building
See agenda posted for hearing at 1pm

Public Safety and Security Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF2119 (Urdahl) - Disaster assistance account modified.
HF1165 (Backer) - Farmer financial eligibility conformed to the general poverty-based standard, and income limit removed.
HF1475 (Franke) - Soliciting or providing support for an act of terrorism crime created.
HF1875 (Zerwas) - Controlled substance schedules modified.
HF1892 (Howe) - Military member clarified, and veterans added to offense of impersonation.
HF1179 (Newberger) - St. Cloud, Duluth, and Moorhead; emergency response teams funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2121 (Cornish) - Fire safety account funds appropriated.

Health and Human Services Finance

If you would like to testify, please contact Shiloh Larson, Committee Legislative Assistant, at

Due to the number of bills on the agenda, please limit testimony to two minutes.

Additional bills may be added to the agenda.

**Bill Added** HF 2063 (Theis) Home Care Provider Advisory Council duties modified with respect to the use of revenue generated by fines on providers.
**Bill Added** HF1619 (Schomacker) Children's hospitals contingent, alternate medical assistance payment method established
Bills Added:
HF139 (Knoblach) - Child care assistance subsidy restrictions modified.
HF809 (Franson) - Abortion funding from state-sponsored health programs limited.
HF812 (Kiel) - Abortion performing facility licensure required, licensing fee required, and money appropriated.
HF904 (Franson) - Positive support strategy rule exemption provided.
HF1422 (Franson) - Child care licensing definition modified; child care correction order posting requirements modified; correction order quotas for child care licensing prohibited; child care license holders required to be informed of changes in statute, rule, federal law, regulation, and policy; and report to the legislature on the status of child care required.
HF1458 (Franson) - Child care provisions modified.
HF723 (Peterson) - Child care assistance program maximum reimbursement rates modified, and money appropriated.
HF604 (Quam) - Hands Off Child Care Act adopted.
HF1311 (Quam) - County licensing agencies required to offer and conduct exit interviews for family child care providers, and fix-it ticket alternative to a correction order authorized.
HF1459 (Flanagan) - Family child care licensors oversight and training required, and training curriculum development required.
HF1508 (Lucero) - Child care licensing provisions modified, and reports required.
HF1619 (Schomacker) - Children's hospitals contingent, alternate medical assistance payment method established.
HF2063 (Theis) - Home Care Provider Advisory Council duties modified with respect to the use of revenue generated by fines on providers.
HF 812 (Kiel) - MN ACOG Ch Ltr HF 812_Final _Kiel HHS Finance.docx (3/13/2017)
HF 809 (Franson) - MN ACOG Ch Ltr Hf 809_Final_Franson HHS Finance.docx (3/13/2017)
HF809-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF812-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1311 (Quam) - Amendment H1311A2.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1311 (Quam) - Amendment H1311A3.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1603 (Pierson) - Amendment H1603DE2.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 139 (Knoblach) - Amendment H0139A1.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 2063 (Theis) - Amendment H2063A1.pdf (3/14/2017)
HF 1412 (Pierson) - MN support services one pager.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 723 (Peterson) - Paula_Landis_Testimony_HF723 (1).pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 723 (Peterson) - Amendment H0723A2.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 1458 (Franson) - PSP E.Juon Written Testimony (1).pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (Kiel) - Amendment H0812A2.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 1412 (Pierson) - Amendment H1412A1.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF1422-1A Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - Franson PSR Letter Final 20170307.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF1311-1A Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF1508-1E Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 1508 (Lucero) - Amendment A17-0214.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF904-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (Kiel) - Amendment H0812A3.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - dhs-291014.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - Letter PSR 3-15-17.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) - Letter Commissioner Piper 3-9-17.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) Positive Support Petition.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 904 (Franson) Testimony-Hollee Saville.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 604 (Franson) Testimony-Hollee Saville.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 604 (Franson) Testimony-Hollee Saville.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (KIiel) MDH letter regarding HF 812.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF 812 (Kiel) Goodwin Testimony HF 809 and HF 812_1.pdf (3/15/2017)
HF139-0 Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/16/2017)
HF1619-1A Completed Fiscal Note.pdf (3/16/2017)
HF 604 (Quam) AFSCME Handout.pdf (3/16/2017)
HF 1412 (Pierson) Written Testimony.docx (3/16/2017)
HF 812 (KIEL) Laurie Casey written testimony HF 812_1.docx (3/16/2017)

Health and Human Services Reform

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF1331 (Zerwas) - Prisoner mental health screening governed.
HF1245 (Schomacker) - Child and family services, chemical and mental health services, operations, health care, and community supports provisions modified; and technical corrections made.
HF1938 (Baker) - Chemical and mental health service governing provisions modified.

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF729 will be the Elections Omnibus bill.

More bills may be added. Bills may be taken in any order.
Bills Added:
HF729 (Fenton) - Election administration provisions changed, uniform special election dates provided, state primary changed from August to June, date of primary elections conducted by a political subdivision changed, and appointment of county offices authorized.
HF2177 (Zerwas) - Advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants added to certain statutes.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

***Other bills may be added***
Bills Added:
HF1265 (Heintzeman) - Environment and natural resources trust fund money appropriated, county no net gain of state lands provided, and requirements for receipt of fund money modified.
H1265DE1.pdf (3/15/2017)
H1265A7.pdf (3/15/2017)
H1265A8.pdf (3/15/2017)
H1265A9.pdf (3/15/2017)
H1265A10.pdf (3/15/2017)

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF1338 (Thissen) will be heard pending referral to the Education Finance Committee.

HFXXXX(Jurgens) will be heard pending referral to the Education Finance Committee.

Additional Bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF1997 (Kresha) - Early learning scholarship program child eligibility modified, early learning scholarship program administration modified, targeted home visiting grant program for high-risk populations established, and money appropriated.
HF1338 (Thissen) - Third-party reimbursement for special education evaluation modified.
HF2259 (Loon) - Early education access fund established, director of early education and development established, enhanced coordination of early education and development programs provided, early education resource hubs authorized, report required, early education programs transferred to the director of early education and development, and money appropriated.
HF1217 (Kiel) - State reimbursement for each school lunch served increased by five cents.
HF1663 (Erickson) - Alternative teacher preparation and compensation programs modified, Teacher Shortage Task Force created, concurrent enrollment teacher program expanded, report required, and money appropriated.
HF1491 (Loon) - Early learning scholarship program administration modified, and commissioner prohibited from designating scholarships for use in predetermined qualifying programs.
HF1382 (Nornes) - Regional public library systems state aid formula modified; funding increased for regional public library systems and multicounty, multitype libraries; and money appropriated.
HF1684 (Sandstede) - School readiness program appropriations increased.
HF654 (Drazkowski) - Reverse referendum for property tax levies allowed.
H2259DE6.pdf (3/15/2017)
H1663A5.pdf (3/15/2017)
H1997A1.pdf (3/16/2017)

Education Innovation Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation of the OLA Evaluation on Standardized Testing

Agriculture Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Hearings on HF1120 and HF2049 will be informational only.
Bills Added:
HF2049 (Kiel) - Farm to school program established, and money appropriated.
HF1120 (Swedzinski) - Shrimp production incentive program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF2277 (Poston) - Wolf-livestock conflict prevention pilot program grants established, and money appropriated.
HF2327 (Johnson) - Metropolitan State University; GROW-IT Center renovation funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2076 (Clark) - Agriculture related grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1461 (Clark) - Urban agriculture development pilot grant program established, and money appropriated.

Civil Law and Data Practices Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
**More Bills May Be Added***

The Committee will hear HF 1847 (Becker-Finn) pending re-referral from Public Safety.
Bills Added:
HF2245 (Scott) - Welfare system terminology and definition modified, and provisions governing community service data modified.
HF1840 (Scott) - Laws and statutes miscellaneous and technical corrections made; erroneous, obsolete, and omitted text and references corrected; and redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed.
HF2376 (Torkelson) - State road construction appropriation modified.
HF1847 (Becker-Finn) - Background check consistency provided.

Agriculture Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Presentation by Minnesota State Cattlemen's Association

Presentation by Cooperative Network

**Bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF208 (Hertaus) - Commercial and industrial operations on agricultural preserves provisions modified, and early termination of an agricultural preserve provided.
HF2049 (Kiel) - Farm to school program established, and money appropriated.
HF1120 (Swedzinski) - Shrimp production incentive program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
HF1121 (Swedzinski) - Agricultural product definition modified.
HF1655 (Swedzinski) - Aquaculture facility construction material exemption created.
H1120A1.pdf (3/14/2017)

Education Finance


Additional Bills may be added.

The Education Finance Committee may have to recess and reconvene in the evening to complete its work.

If you would like to submit an amendment for HF535 (Baker) or HF1663 (Erickson) please file them electronically with Committee Administrator, Harry Kennedy, by 10:00AM Wednesday, March 15 at
Bills Added:
HF1825 (Loon) - Perpich Center for Arts Education abolished; Education Department position created, and conveyance of the Perpich Arts High School and Crosswinds Arts and Science School planned.
HF1963 (Lohmer) - School district bond proceed use clarified.
HF1886 (Grossell) - Independent School District No. 36, Kelliher; early repayment aid incentive extended, and money appropriated.
HF2145 (Neu Brindley) - Nonpublic pupil aid calculation modified.
HF1324 (Metsa) - Education Innovation Partners Cooperative Center appropriation availability extended.
HF146 (Davnie) - Full-service community school funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2104 (Zerwas) - Compensatory education revenue modified.
HF1663 (Erickson) - Alternative teacher preparation and compensation programs modified, Teacher Shortage Task Force created, concurrent enrollment teacher program expanded, report required, and money appropriated.
HF535 (Baker) - Independent School District No. 347, Willmar; extended time revenue calculation for summer instruction modified for pupils in on-site education programs.
H1324A4.pdf (3/14/2017)
H1825DE1.pdf (3/14/2017)
H1663A5.pdf (3/15/2017)

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

***Other bills may be added***
Bills Added:
HF2212 (Peterson) - Landfill cleanup program modified.
HF1233 (Lueck) - Boundary Waters Canoe Area school trust land sale funding provided, appropriation availability extended, and money appropriated.
A17-0218.pdf (3/14/2017)

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
More bills may be added. Bills may be taken in any order.
Bills Added:
HF1005 (Garofalo) - Commerce and Employment and Economic Development Departments number of deputy commissioners reduced, and current deputy commissioners allowed to serve until January 1, 2019.
HF1037 (Vogel) - Legislative approval of housing incentives and allocations by the Metropolitan Council required.
HF1345 (Christensen) - Award and trophy purchase spending cap eliminated relating to local governments.
HF1640 (Flanagan) - Police and firefighters' civil service commissions and employees of police and fire departments provisions amended.
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