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Audio/Video Archives - 2025-2026 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Page: Page Size: 20 Total Results: 111
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Audio Available: Download Mp3
I. Call to Order.
II. Member and Staff Introductions.
III. HF 308 (Hanson, J.) Illegal cannabis and controlled substances tax repealed, and technical changes made.
IV. HF 4 (Johnson, W.) Portion of projected budget surplus required to be returned to state taxpayers, and constitutional amendment proposed.
V. HF 18 (Engen) Sales and use tax exemption for certain baby products expanded.
VI. Adjourn.
Bills Added:
HF308 (Hanson) - Illegal cannabis and controlled substance tax repealed, and related technical changes made.
HF4 (Johnson) - Portion of projected budget surplus required to be returned to state taxpayers, and constitutional amendment proposed.
HF18 (Engen) - Sales and use tax exemption for certain baby products expanded.

Public Safety Finance and Policy

1. Call to Order
2. Member and staff introductions
3. Committee Rules
4. HF 7 (Novotny) Bail data and notice provisions modified, mandatory minimum sentences established for sex trafficking offenses, Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission provisions modified, crimes established, criminal penalties imposed, and money appropriated.
5. Adjourn

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to Committee Administrator no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.
Bills Added:
HF7 (Novotny) - Public safety; various public safety provisions modified related to data held by law enforcement agencies, agency custody notice requirements, mandatory minimum sentences, stays of adjudication, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission, legislative approval of Sentencing Guidelines, dismissing of charges, liability and vicarious liability, crime for trespass recruiting or educating, assaulting a police officer, fleeing in a motor vehicle, stolen motor vehicles, obstructing traffic, tracking devices, criminal penalties, and money appropriated.

State Government Finance and Policy

I. Call to order

II. Member and Staff Introductions

III. H.F. 3 (Nash) Legislative auditor required to submit a report to the legislature related to an agency's implementation of internal control or fiscal management recommendations.

IV. H.F. 23 (Robbins) Public employee whistleblower protections modified.

V. H.F. 2 (Davis) Fraud reporting required when an employee of a state agency has reason to suspect fraud, grants management requirements strengthened, and criminal penalty established.

VI. Department of Administration: Strategic Facilities Plan and Overview Presentation

VII. Adjournment

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
Bills Added:
HF3 (Nash) - Legislative auditor required to submit a report to the legislature related to an agency's implementation of internal control or fiscal management recommendations, and money appropriated.
HF2 (Davis) - Fraud reporting required when a state employee has reason to suspect fraud, and grants management requirements strengthened.
HF23 (Robbins) - Whistleblower definitions provided, and whistleblower protections for public employees modified.

Ways and Means

I. Call to Order
II. Introduction of members and staff
III. Presentation from Martha Njolomole, Economist, and John Phelan, Economist, from the Center of the American Experiment
IV. Adjournment

Transportation Finance and Policy

Introductions of Members
Governor Budget Recommendations
Department of Public Safety - Transportation
Metropolitan Council - Transportation

HF5 (Joy) A bill for an act relating to government finance; modifying imposition and allocation of certain
taxes; requiring certain tax analysis; repealing retail delivery fee; providing an unlimited Social Security subtraction; requiring a report.

Note: If you would like to testify for or against this bill, HF5, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Cyndy Wallin by 3pm on Friday 2/07/25. Phone: 651-297-5723 Email: Testimony will be limited to 2 minutes maximum per testifier and no more than 20 minutes each of testimony for and against.
Also no more than one testifier per organization. Any handouts or letters should be emailed to the committee legislative assistant by 3 pm on Friday 02/07/25.
Bills Added:
HF5 (Joy) - Imposition and allocation of certain taxes modified, tax analysis required, transportation funding impacts analysis required, retail delivery fee repealed, unlimited Social Security subtraction provided, reports required, and money appropriated.

Fraud Prevention and State Agency Oversight Policy

I. Call to Order
II. Introduction of members and staff
III. Office of the Legislative Auditor: "Oversight of State-Funded Grants to Nonprofit Organizations"
IV. Adjournment

Health Finance and Policy

I. Call to Order
II. Member and Staff Introductions
III. Minnesota Department of Health Budget Proposal
IV. Minnesota Department of Human Services Budget Proposal
V. Adjournment

Agriculture Finance and Policy

- Introductions of members and staff
- Committee Rules
- Informational hearings on opportunities and challenges facing Minnesota Agriculture
Sustainable Aviation Fuel
First District Association Presentation on Milk Processing and wastewater challenges

Elections Finance and Government Operations

I. Call to Order
II. Introductions
III. Office of the Secretary of State
• Steve Simon, Secretary of State
• Paul Linnell, State Election Director
• Bill Eckblad, Election Security Navigator
• Nicole Freeman, Government Relations Director
IV. Office of Administrative Hearings
• Jenny Starr, Chief Administrative Law Judge
• Eric Lipman, Administrative Law Judge
V. Committee Rules
VI. Adjournment

Rules and Legislative Administration

I. Call To Order

II. House Policies and Resolutions

III. Adjournment


I. Call To Order

II. Approval of Meeting Minutes from 2/25/2025

III. HF 729 (Noor) Medical assistance provisions modified relating to care evaluations, homemaker services rates, and home care.

IV. HF 728 (Hicks) Out-of-home respite care for children services modified.

V. Adjournment

*Additional bills may be added to the agenda

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator ( by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
Bills Added:
HF729 (Noor) - Medical assistance provisions modified relating to care evaluations, homemaker services rates, and home care.
HF728 (Hicks) - Out-of-home respite care for children services modified.
Page: Page Size: 20 Total Results: 111
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

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