I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the Minutes
III. HF337 (Zeleznikar) Ambulance operating deficit grant program established, account established, and reports required.
IV. HF36 (Huot) Payment rates for nonemergency medical transportation increased.
V. HF93 (Backer) Ambulance service training and staffing grant program established, and money appropriated.
VI. HF94 (Backer) Reimbursement requirements for ambulance attendant education costs modified, and money appropriated.
VII. HF715 (Backer) Ambulance services medical assistance payment rates increase provided.
VIII. Adjournment
Removed from the agenda: HF 86 (Huot) Community emergency medical technician certification requirements modified, and medical assistance coverage of community emergency medical technician services modified.
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the Minutes
III. HF 129 (Repinski) Director of child sex trafficking prevention required to submit a program evaluation each odd-numbered year to the legislature.
IV. HF 958 (Nadeau) Medical assistance coverage of psychiatric Collaborative Care Model provided.
V. HF 953 (West) Hospitals and birth centers required to educate parents on recognizing physical abuse in infants.
VI. HF 981 (Bierman) Opioid prevention and education funding provided, and money appropriated.
VII. Adjournment