I. Conclusion of questions from overview by Dept. of Employment and Economic Development regarding paid leave program buildout
II. H.F. 661 (Hicks) - Bridges to Healthcare funding provided
III. H.F. 610 (Davids) - Emergency medicine career pathways program appropriation
IV. H.F. 606 (Rymer) / H.F. XXXX - FATHER Project grant funding provided
**** this bill will be presented jointly with a bill being introduced by Rep. Wayne Johnson on Monday, Feb. 24th. These two bills are the same, and the bill number for the Johnson bill will be put here once assigned a number. Both bills will be laid over. The SF591 language in this posting will be the language of that bill.
I. Department of Labor presentation regarding misclassification fraud
II. Bureau of Mediation Services agency overview
III. Explore Minnesota agency overview
I.V. (pending re-referral) H.F. 961 (Baker) - Hospitality education grant funding provided