Ways and Means will convene at 5:00 PM on Tuesday March 11 in Capitol Room 120.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of March 10, 2025, Meeting Minutes
3. HF1218 (Heintzeman) Funding from the environment and natural resources trust fund, prior appropriations modified, and money appropriated.
4. Adjournment
*MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: There will not be public testimony in the Ways and Means Committee. Individuals wishing to submit letters, written testimony, or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator harry.kennedy@house.mn.gov and the committee legislative assistant allie.spellman@house.mn.gov by 9:00 AM on March 11, 2025. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability. The Chair may waive the noon deadline for handouts, but handouts received after noon on the business day before the committee meeting might not be printed for committee members and the public.
AMENDMENT DEADLINE: Amendments must be e-mailed to the committee administrator and the committee legislative assistant by 9:00 AM on March 11, 2025.